A Surprise in the Cradle

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In this moment, Max and Leena are married and Leena is the new queen of the lions

It was a nice, sunny day in the Lion Kingdom. Max was taking a stroll in the garden, taking a deep breath before sighing in content. The warmth shining against his face. The soft cool yet warm breeze through his fur. It all made him at peace, and relaxed. Little did he know that his day was going to get much better.

Someone snuck up behind him, gently tapping his shoulder. "Huh?" He turned around and found no one behind him. The person was fast, and quickly moved around when he turned around him. Max got puzzled, and looked behind him but still nothing. However, his ears did caught a giggle. He grinned misheviously, having an idea who it was.

Max made another turn but quickly turned back again and found who it was. Leena. "Ha!" He said confident, lifting her up in his arms, and spun her around, laughing. She squeaked surprised but laughed at it, her hands on his shoulders. The king set his queen down on the ground before pulling her close for a quick kiss.

"Hi Max!" She told him cheerfully, smiling big, and her brown eyes gleaming with joy. "Hi Leena. What's gotten you all excited?" He asked her, wondering what had gotten his beloved lioness in such a good mood.

"I have some really good news for you. A really good surprise that I know you are going to love" she told him confident and excited, holding both his hands in hers, and spinning eachother around.

Max chuckled at seeing his wife so excited. She acted like a child right now. "Alright what is it?" He asked her, curious. She then grinned at him misheviously before she started pulling him by his hands. "Come on! I'll show you!" She told him as she took him to the castle where the surprise was waiting for him.

The two lions were now inside and Leena had tooked off running, letting go of Max's hand. "Leena! Wait up!" Max called out to her as he chased after her. They ran into some people along way and Max repeatedly apologized for almost bumping into them.

He caught up to her, arriving to their bedroom. The lion plopped in his bed, trying to catch his breath. Leena leaned against the window, chuckling at her husband being out of breath right now. Max glanced at her as he breathed heavy, and shook his head.

"Ok. What is this big surprise that you had to make me run all way down from the garden to our room which is a very long way?" He asked her, hoping that whatever she had for him was worth being out of breath right now.

"Well take a look around. See anything different?" She told him, motioning her arm at the space of their room. The lion scanned the room for anything that could be out of place. Everything seemed normal. The bed, the closet, the large window, and that cradle....wait cradle?

The lion DID notice something out of place. There was a little cradle next to their bed. One that looked familar. "Wait a minute" he said in realizing, standing up from the bed. He made his way to the cradle as Leena watched him, grinning misheviously.

"Hold the phone. This is my cradle" he said, smiling at seeing. He ran his hand on the hood of it, gently. Last he saw it, it was stored away. His face frowned though, wondering why is it here now.

"But why is it here?" He asked confused, his hand on the soft bed inside the cradle. The lioness moved away from the window, and walked over to her. She placed a hand on his shoulder, her grin of mishief softened into a warm smile.

"Because we're going to start using it"

Max got confused more when she said that, and he turned his head to her. Leena had the biggest smile on her. Her brown hazelnut eyes had so much joy on them. The lion stared at her, puzzled, trying to understand what she was telling.

She gently took his hand that was on the cradle, and guided to her stomach, placing it there. Max looked at where she positioned his hand flat on her belly, and that's when it hit him.

His eyes widen in realization, and his jaw dropped a little. "L-Leena" he said her name in shock as his eyes moved from her stomach to her face. "Are you...are you pregnant?" He asked her, a smile starting to form as excitement build up in him.

She nodded to him, confirming it. Her eyes started to water, and she was struggling to keep them from falling. Now it made sense why she brought the cradle here. It made sense why these few days she had been throwing up, and barely eating. She was pregnant.

Max's smile got big and his eyes started to water too. "Leena! That's...that's amazing! You're gonna be a mother! And I'm gonna be a father! We're gonna be parents!" He told her excited and overjoyed, pulling her into a tight hug. He lifted her off the ground laughing, spinning her around in his arms.

Leena squeaked and laughed joyfully, letting her tears fall down her face as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He set her back down on the floor, holding her close and tight in his arms. Leena buried her face in his shoulder, nuzzling him.

"Did you like my surprise?" She whispered to him, running her hand through his mane. He moved his face to look at her and she noticed his eyes had been teary eye. Max wiped the tear stains on her cheeks, still holding her close. He smiled big and warm at her.

"It's the best surprise ever my love! Thank you! I love you so much!" He told her lovingly and warmly as she cupped his face, smiling at him. "I love you too!" She told him before leaning in and kissing him, holding eachother and looking forward to having their cub soon.

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