Max's Birthday

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I saw this pic and just had to do a moment where it's Max's birthday and Leena helps sets the party.
"Leena's POV"

"Tazer you got the piñata?""yep and I'll admit Twitch and Spike did a good job with making the piñata" I giggled at seeing the piñata looked a lot like Vulcan Tazer and I couldn't hold our laughter"alright let's hang it on that tree right there" I told him see today is Max's birthday and it has to be special"Leena like we got the cake" Zinti and Twitch came holding the cake struggling to balance it luckily Kara helped.
"Third Person's POV"

Higga manage to hung the streamers and the balloons the whole kingdom was excited Leena was the party planner,Tazer prepared the party games,Higga did decorations and Twitch,Spike and Zinti were in charge of snacks and cake well mostly to keep Spike from eating the cake."Kara see if you can find Max keep him company and when it's time bring him to the party"Leena instructed Kara and he left to keep an eye on Max.
Nighttime arrives
"Max's POV"

"So what's the important surprise general?" I asked Kara we were on our way to the jungle my old home I was a little down mostly because my friends including Leena were nowhere today I saw them in the morning for breakfast and today is my birthday but I wonder why Leena acted so strange."Oh it's very important your majesty you must attend it" he told me stuttering I thought it was another kingdom meeting well until I pushed some ferns out of the way.
"Third Person's POV"

"SURPRISE!!!!" Max jumped as everyone came out of their hiding places"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Max had a huge smile on his face Zinti came towards him extending her little hand"Mind if you let the fox princess escort the birthday king?""As you wish princess" Max held her hand as she led him to the center of the party where a green and yellow cake was on the table  Twitch placed a party hat on Max's head while he's invisible the lion chuckled at his friend's trick"Blow the candles Max" Zinti and Spike told him jumping they both wanted the cake badly.
"Leena's POV"

After we had cake Max went to the party games I was glad he was having fun I took a few bites from my cake"Leena" I notice Max coming he was waving at me I smiled at him getting up"Hey Max enjoying the party your royal highness?" I teased him a bit"the party's great Higga told me you planned this party..." I stared at him smirking I felt his hand grip mine his thumb rubbing my palm"Thanks Leena this was really sweet of you to do the for me" he told me smiling huge I felt my cheeks blush I held his hand the one holding mine"your welcome Max" Twitch called us to do he piñata"Come on Leena let's try the games" Max still held my hand pulling me tot the games I could help but giggle.

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