Leena's Sick Day

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Max was waiting in town for Leena. They were going out on a date but that was hours ago and the sun was setting. Max was getting worried about Leena. He wondered what took her so well.

Max felt his communicator vibrating and he took it out of his pocket and looked at the screen. Leena was on the contacts and Max answered.

"Leena what's going on? You're kinda late" Max added gently but also a little worried. "Sorry Max. I lost track of time" Max's ears twitched at her voice and realized how hoarse and weak it sounded.

"Leena are you ok? You don't sound good" Max asked her worried. "I'm fine. Just my voice cough sound funny" Leena coughed and Max was getting really worried. Her voice didn't sound good.

"I'll be there in a sec Max. Just gotta..." her voice cut off from the coughing and a thud was heard and the communicator hung up. Max looked at his communicator worried.

"Bark! Bark!" He turned his head to the right at the barking sound and saw a little white blur running to him, his eyes squinted for a better look.

"Cotton!" Max said surprised and the little dog ran up to him, pulling on his leg. "What's wrong? Is Leena ok?" He asked concerned and Cotton just kept barking worried and ran off. Feeling something's wrong, Max ran after the pup back to the castle.

Cottom entered the room. The door was only open a little bit so the pup squeezed through the opening. Max came and opened the door and his eyes widen "Leena!" He said alarmed and worried.

Leena was lying on her bed on her side, breathing heavy, all sweaty and weak. She opened her eyes tired and saw Max.

Max ran to her side, worried all over his face. He put a hand up on her forehead and felt that it was hot and moist and sweaty. He held her hot hand in his other hand, his thumb rubbing on her palm to comfort her.

Cotton nuzzled Leena's hand to try and help her. "Wait here. Don't move" Max told her firmly and ran out the room to get some stuff.

Max rushed back with a bag and a bowl of water and a towel slinged on his elbow. Leena let out a cough, her throat hurting and dry.

Max's heart ached at seeing Leena like this. Seeing her weak made his heart break. He placed the bowl next to her on a desk while Cotton leaped up on the bed and snuggled with Leena, licking her cheek to comfort her. Leena smiled weakly at her dog and rubbed his soft white fur.

The lioness felt a soaking yet warm feeling touching her forehead. Max had put the towel on her, staring at her worried. Leena looked at him and smiled weakly at him.

"Max...I'm sorry about-" she started but Max cut her off "Don't. It's ok. We can plan our date another time. For now, just rest" he told her gently and Leena moved smiled at him.

Max spent the whole night caring for Leena. The bag he brought had some herbs and ingredients from his jungle home to make some hot jungle soup for Leena.

Leena spent the whole day just lying on her bed and watching Max. The lion checked on her every second, even tried cleaning her room to get rid of any germs. He even helped her get to the bathroom so she could shower and he picked out some clean pajamas for her when she finished.

Leena was back on the bed and her nose caught a warm and delicious scent. She let out a hum of pleasure and her ears twitched at a chuckle.

She looked and saw Max coming with a bowl of hot soup with herb leaves and vegetables in them. "Here. My mom would make this for me when I was sick back when I was little" he told her as he lifted the spoon and brought it to her mouth, his hand other the spoon so she wouldn't drop anything on herself.

Leena took a gulp of the soup and she smiled at the warm feeling going down her sore throat and the warm and delicious taste in her mouth. She let out a sigh of pleasure and Max chuckled at her. He brushed his hand through her soaking hair which her braided eariler.

Leena fell back to asleep and Max looked at the time on his communicator and saw it was eleven forty five. He let out a yawn and checked one Leena, his hand ran on her forehead. He sighed in relief thag her fever had got down.

Leena looked much better, the lioness asleep with Cotton snuggled in her arms. Max smiled at her and kissed her forehead, promising that when she's better they'll go on their date.

Max got a chair and sat down on it, resting his head and arms on her bed and falling asleep.

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