Chap-15 Shared a Kiss!

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Note: As frm the title only u got an idea about what is a chap will about. So if u r too innocent and not comfortable with such type of stuff then u r free to skip that specific part and can enjoy the futher chap!



Sanjana's Pov

It was time to give coffee to Sir; "come in sir?" I asked knocking his door.

"Hm..!" He said noddeing his head concentrating on his work. I kept the coffee, don't know why but I was feeling nervous and happy at the same time. I turned back to leave till that....

He grabbed my hand and turned me to face him. I really like when he hold me tight in his embrace. "From today you will wait till I complete my work; I'll be dropping you from today! Will you wait?" He asked holding my waist. I smiled at him and replied; "hm.." He smiled me back.  His smile is killer and cute one which always brings butterflies in my stomach and chest!

"Hieee! What's up!!" I said to Samir as his call came.

"Nothing want your help, you free?" He asked me in faded tone.

"What happened!" I asked.

"Nothing, just want to pick formals for my next meeting; Akshu is on date with Rahul. So you are the only one to help me. Can you come?" He asked nervously.

"Of course Samir! I'm up. I'll try to complete my work as soon as I can. Okay?" I replied in cheerful tone.

"Okay my lil' sister! I'll pick you up; stand outside of your office." He said.

It was time to leave! I wanted to tell Rohan sir, but he was busy dealing with guests! So I didn't disturb him.

"Haardik listen na!" I called him by running towards him.

"Yeah! Slow down. What happened? Want something?" He asked in confused tone.

"Hmm... nothing I just have a work for you; if Rohan sir asked about me just tell him I'm with Samir, helping him for his shopping. He was busy so I wasn't able to inform him. Will you do it for me?" I asked.

"Of course, no problem! You carry on, tell Samir hello from me!" He asked smiling me.

"Thanks, bye see you later!!" I took the leave of him.

Was waiting to come Samir, finally he arrived. We hugged each other and headed towards mall to pick formals for him.

"Here you go! It will look nice, what you think?" I asked picking up one shirt and keeping front of him.

"Hm..your choice is always good!" He said patting my face.

We were done with our shopping. "Wanna grab something to eat?" He asked me pointing towards McDonald's.

I laughed and replied him; "I'm always up for this!" He mirrored my expression. We both went and he placed the orders for us. We were talking till that.....

Rohan's Pov

I was done with my meeting. I wanted to see Sanjana so I went outside making an excuse of drinking water. When I came; she wasn't there.

"Sir!" Haardik approached me

"Hm.." I replied.

"Sanjana has left, she is with Samir helping him for his shopping, she was going to inform you but; you were busy in the meeting. So she said to inform you." He explained.

"Thanks bro!" I said giving him small smile.

I immediately called her. "Hello sir!" She said when she attended my call.

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