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You completed me!

Sanjana's Pov

"You son of bitch!" I yell for the 20th time in this whole day. Aah, this contraction isn't stopping. I hear the sound of the door opening reavling Rohan. He was in his black sweatpants and bare chest showing all those sexy eight abs. His hairs were messy as always, his eyes filled with adoration, and a small smile playing on his soft plump lips.

"What happen candybar?" He asked snooping down on his knees, cupping my face gently in his large rough hands tracing my jaw ever so softly. His eyes filled with worry. This is what happens for one month. My date is coming soon and I'm hella scared. Of course, I'll be when I got to know that I'm carrying not a child but Twins. Yes, Twins! It is been one and a half years since our marriage. I still remember Rohan's reaction when he got to know that I was pregnant. And it was the most precious moment for me.


Ooo God when this vomits is going to stop. I said to myself coming out of the bathroom. I drank some water and took a seat on the edge of the bed. The door flies open revealing worried rohan. "What happened candybar? Are you okay? Need something?" He asked in a hushed tone, concern lacing his words. I gave him a small smile and cupped his face in my tiny hands.

"I'm okay babe!" I replied pecking his lips. Little did I know that I have to make sure of my doubt. I need to take the test. "I'm hungry!" I whined making him chuckle. He picks me up, I immediately brought my legs around his waist and buried my head in his neck surrounding his neck with my hands. He brought me down and put me on the kitchen counter.

"Wait here!" He murmured bopping my nose. After two minutes he came back with a plate full of pancakes and fruits on the side along with my fav strawberry milkshake. The whole time while I was eating I feel his intense gaze burning a hole in my soul. He didn't move his gaze from me even for a sec. He kept my plate in the sink and trapped me in between his arms. Even after being with him for more than three years, he still makes me flushed with his small touches. Even after making love with him daily he still makes me flutter.
His lips licked my bottom lips making my eyes widen. "Didn't know that the honey would taste this good." He said with a proud smirk I pushed and went to take shower only to find him joining me.


According to the given time, I was waiting for the result. Roaming around the room like seen a ghost finally the timer shoot and I immediately went to the bathroom and took the test in my hands. Taking one last breath and slowly opening my orifices looked down. a gasp passed through my lips. My eyes were blurry and my hand made its way to my mouth to control my sob. I stumble back only to come in the contact with the cold bathroom counter. My heartbeats were beating fast and my stomach fluttered.
I look down only to get confirmation that the two lines are still there and see those wide smiles make their way to my lips.

I'm pregnant...

I'm going to become a mom



Rohan is going to become a dad.

We are going to become parents.

What will be the biggest desire in the world for a couple rather than this? Being a parent is the biggest happiness you will ever get.

To confirm and book my appointment with our family doctor.


"Congratulations Sanjana! You are going to become a mom." Dr. Snehasha said, giving my reports. I open and went through it only to find myself sobbing with a big smile at last. I decided to our family.

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