Chap-28 Planning!

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Sanjana's Pov

this alarm always gets into my nerves.  I wake up and follow my daily routine. First warm shower then breakfast with the family.

"Good morning dear!" My dad greeted me. I gave him a response with a smile. I'm very tired today.

"You didn't sleep well last night; don't you?" Abhi asked taking a long sip of his coffee. I gave him sheepish smile. Yeah, indeed, I didn't sleep well last night. The whole night I was thinking about Rohan and our so-called future. I know I should wait for him to confess but then what if he does not see a future with me?  This question pops into my mind. I hate it. The more I try to keep those bullshit thoughts aside the more they occupy my mind.

Abhi snaps the fingers in front of my eyes to pull me from my thoughts. "What? Stop daydreaming girl and take your coffee." He said giving me a smirk and taking a sip of his coffee. I roll my eyes at him and enjoyed my coffee.

There are only three days left with me. I have to plan as soon as possible. Rohan's birthday is coming. After coming from Goa I was busy with my work and other stuff. But now I don't have more time. This year Rohan's birthday I want to make special for him. He once told me that from the day when Roshna left him he hasn't celebrated his birthday. But this year and from this, I'll be there for him no matter if we have a future or not. if we don't. I won't be physical with him but mentally and emotionally I'll be always there with him. I want to make him feel special.

I want to surprise him.. through this birthday I want to tell him that he can enjoy his life with his loved ones. I want to tell him to give himself another chance to explore himself newly.

"Oye! You okay?" Akshay asked pulling me from my thoughts.

"Yeah!! Listen I want to talk with you guys!" I said getting their attention by clapping my hands. They node telling me to continue.

"After our office hrs let's meet at 'spice and taste' "I said to them.  Without asking any further questions they all went back to work. For which I was glad.

Rohan wasn't there..he was out for the meeting. I tried to call him but he didn't answer my calls. "Call me when you are free"  I text him.

It was lunch break, instead of going for lunch, I decided to do other planning.
I dial Shyra's number. On the fifth ring, she answers my call.

"Hey!" I said nervously.

"Hey! Babe, what's there something you want to talk about?" She asked. I love this girl she knows what exactly going on in my mind. I and Shyra have become like BFFs..she is a very sweet, caring woman.

"Yeah.. actually I was planning to do a surprise party for Rohan! As his birthday is coming.." I trailed off. I heard a chuckle on another line.

"Whoo Sanjana. I like this idea. He never got a surprise before. I think his biggest surprise if anyone has given him is; from life..and that's surprising is you..!" She completed. My cheeks were heat and redness occupied my face. As I didn't respond to her. I hear another chuckle from the line. I bite my bottom lips.

We talked 10-20mins.. talking like BFFs. She told me not call personally to Aunt Anu she will let her know..she told me to call others..and also told me to relax..they will be on time.

After having a talk with her I called Samir and told them to pass the message to Aksu. I also called Rahul about the same. With him, I nearly talk for 30mins. I somehow felt relaxed telling him what exactly was going in my heart. He assured me to give Rohan some more time. He also said that he truly loves me which somehow release a lump that was forming whenever the thought of our future popped up in my mind.

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