Chap-33 I miss you

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Sanjana's Pov

"Myself, Ms. Selena Johan Parkar, the daughter of Mr. Johan Parkar." She said, giving her the same devilish smirk. No wonder both daughter and father have the same lame attitude and 24/7 plastered demon's grin on their face. "Shocked?" She added..yeah really I am! I never thought that Selena would be the daughter of Johan Parkar. Not even in my dreams. But why the hell does she has kidnapped me?

"You wanna know why I brought you?" She asked, think so reading my mind..not want to say..but she is good at reading people's minds; at least mine. I didn't give her an answer thus she thought of my silence as an answer.

"Because..only because of you my Rohan has broke up with me. He left me, he choose you over Lil slut!" She said, catching my face in her one hand, and pressing it very hard. it's hurting because now she is scouring her nails in my skin. But I'm not gonna give her the satisfaction of seeing me ache. And one sec; in which world thus Rohan was with they never were in an actual relationship..and how can she say..he was her's, in reality, he is mine. Yes, he is! Now that he has proposed to me and now that we are in an actual relationship. I can confidently confide that He is Mine. In which world thus this bitch is living huh?

She got up and leaving her grip on my face and turned my face to my right with a hard push. Johan was standing at the corner and was watching how his daughter is behaving. I look up at her and shoot a death glare. I don't give a shit to her. I this situation. I'm behaving very confidently, bold and brave. Not only in this situation..but for the first time I ever spoke bold words.

"Don't you dare to give me that look, okay? Just keep your eyes down!" She shouted, pointing her index finger to me. I didn't break my gaze from her.  I keep on staring..she kept saying to look down but I didn't give a shit. This game was going on for a few minutes she became psycho. She slapped me across my face..letting my cheeks burn under the heat because of sudden friction. She then grabbed my hair, forcing me to stand up on my knees..and pulled me to some amount of steps, and threw me like I'm trash. Now I was laying on the cement floor on my right arm, my hands and legs were already trapped in rop so my hands were at back, and my legs were joined in a bending position. She was standing in front of me, her eyes were full of hatred.. jealousy. She then kicked me on the middle of my stomach with her 6cm long heels, I let out a scream.. because she kicked on the same spot.. where it was hurting from starting. "This is how I felt when he chose you over me!" She said, a different type of smirk plastered on her face. She again kick on the same spot but this was very hard..and as it was hard.t hurt a lot..and I scream out of my lungs because of the pain I was feeling.

She bends down and looks down at me. Tears were already rolling off from my face on a large amount. Old kept on replacing my new ones. She let out a witch laugh from her mouth, looking up at the ceiling then down at me..and slapped me across my left cheek as hard as she can. She then again grabbed me by my hair, letting me moan in pain. I somehow managed to stand on my knees once again but failed all weight was been carried by her; she threw me against the wall, letting my back hit the wall first then my head to the cement floor. The moment my head hit the ground. I feel like I'm going to pass out anytime. The stream of blood started flowing from my head, making its way to my neck then to my back. I knew it because. I was feeling the thick fluid flowing from my head down to my back.

"It's true you look beautiful! But why do you have to look huh? Why did you make Rohan fall in love with you? And how did you manage that?" She said, sounding hurt but jealousy was been clear in her tone. I want to say..many things. want to shout, scream..but my voice left my words were ready to come out of my mouth. My throat was dry.. completely eyelids were now incapable to keep them open.. but I have to keep them open. I can't pass out like this. I'm stronger than this bitch thinks!

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