Shoto Todoroki x baby sister reader

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(You are 1 year old in this so you don't have a quirk yet. Your hair is much much like Fuyumi but it's whole red with a few highlights of white hair like Rei.)

3rd person's P.O.V

You were crawling here and there waiting for your brother to come back from the school dorms, since he didn't visit you for 5 days. He only visited you on weekends and you were bored alone. You wanted to see your big brother again. You crawled to your baby sitter and lightly tugged her pants. She looked down at you and smiled. The she picked you up in her arms. 

'What happened Y/N? Weren't you sleeping just now?' She asked. You shook you head.

'Me... see....Nii-san.' You said not making a complete sense out of the sentence you just said but it was enough for her to understand.

'You wanna go and see Todoroki?' She asked you. You nod your head and she smiled. Then she takes you to your room and gets you dressed up. She thought it would be good if she just walked to UA since the weather was amazing. You were smiling all the time knowing that you were gonna see your big brother. When you both reached UA, luckily the classes were over and students were going towards the dorms. Your babysitter called Shoto on his phone and told him that you were begging her to see you since you missed him so much. After sometime, you saw your brother and some green haired broccoli kind of guy coming your way. 

You wiggled your way out of your baby sitter's grip and crawled upto your brother. You didn't realise that you were basically crawling on the road when suddenly, you put your knee on a sharp rock that slightly cut you. You sat up and touched your knee, you saw blood coming out of it. You were about to cry when someone picked you up. You saw that it was Shoto, your big brother. You smiled widely and hugged him. Shoto smiled a little and told your baby sitter to go home. You almost forgot about your cut but suddenly it started stinging which made you cry.

'Nii-san....*sniff* me.... hurt *sniff*.' You say between crying and he looks at you with a funny expression.

'You couldn't wait could you? I visit you on weekends don't I? And plus you got hurt.' He said. You didn't know when he put ice on your cut and soothed the burning sensation. You frowned not understanding the full sentence. You hugged him again and put your small head on his big shoulder. You saw the broccoli guy smiling at you. You smiled at him.

'Aiii...' You said instead of hiii. He waved at you and opened his arms in front of you so he could take you into his arms. You smiled and pushed yourself in his way. Shoto sighed and gave you to Deku. 

'Hello. I'm Deku.' He said and you smiled.

'Y/N.' You introduced. He smiled and took you inside the dorms. Everyone was sitting on the sofa in the common room. Everyone looked at you and their eyes widened.

'WHEN DID YOU AND TODOROKI HAD A CHILD DEKU!?' Uraraka asked freaking out. Shoto rolled his eyes and took you from Deku.

'She's my little sister.' He said. Everyone sighed in relief.  You smiled at him and then looked at everyone else. You waved at them and they awed at you. You looked at a guy who was looking at you pissed and he had spiky blonde hair and red eyes. You wiggled out of Shoto's grip and crawled your way to him. Everyone's eyes widened once again including Bakugo's. You tugged his pants indicating him to pick you up but he didn't. You frowned at him and looked at Shoto pouting. He took the message.

'Bakugo.. She wants you to pick her up.' He said sitting beside Bakugo. 

'Like hell I'm picking this brat up.' He said. You pouted again knowing that he said something bad about you. You had some tear in your eyes. Bakugo felt a little guilty and finally picked you up. You smiled forgetting all of that. He rolled his eyes and sighed.

'Aiii.. Me Y/N.' You introduced once again and he nodded.

'I am Katsuki Bakugo and don't you forget it you little shit.' He said.

You looked around and saw everyone looking at you with big eyes, which made you slight uncomfortable. You haven't really been with many people except your baby sitter and Shoto. You hugged Bakugo, resting your face on his chest while hiding your face in his chest. He froze for a second. He didn't know what to do since he scared off most of the children.

'Bakugo, can you hold her for sometime? I have to go talk to Aizawa sensei about her being here for sometime.' Shoto said. He wasn't really asking since he just walked off leaving you with the rest of the class. 

'HEY ICYHOT COME BACK YOU BASTARD-' Bakugo shouted and you whimpered not liking his shouting. You sat up and looked directly in his eyes. Then you pointed at your cut since the burning sensation started again. He looked at the cut and his eyes widened.

'ARE YOU INSANE!? WHY HASN'T THAT BASTARD CLEANED THIS UP!?' He yelled at you which made you whimper more. You didn't like him shouting so you looked around and saw a red haired male sitting beside you. You opened your arms for him to take you looking directly at him. He took you in his arms and shook his head at Bakugo then looked back at you.

'Hi. I'm Kirishima!' He introduced smiling big showing off his big sharp teeth. You nodded and then pointed at your cut. 

'Does it hurt?' He asked getting up. You nodded. Bakugo looked pissed since you practically jumped to Kirishima just because he was being concerned. Bakugo got up and as well and pushed Kirishima and you in the kitchen.

'Bakubro what the hell are you doing?' Kiri asked.

'Shut it shitty hair, I'm gonna treat her wound.' He said. You looked back at the blonde guy and smiled a bit. He made a 'tch' sound and continued to push Kiri with you still in Kiri's arms. He ignored the whines of rest of the class. He snatched you from Kiri's arms. He took you to his room and shut the door before Kiri could come in.made you sit on the bed. (Guys, do not get the wrong idea since you are 1 year old in this.) Bakugo took out a first aid kit he kept for emergencies. He took some rubbing alcohol in some cotton and looked at you.

'This is gonna sting a little so stay still okay?' He said. You shook your head knowing that it will hurt a lot. He sighed and saw you his index finger to hold. You gladly took his finger and wrapped you small hand on his finger. He smiled a little feeling good. He dabbed the cotton on your wound. You gripped his finger tightly the whole time he was dabbing the cotton on your skin. He finally put a band aid on your wound. 

You smiled at him and he smiled a little too. You yawned as you were sleepy and it was time for your afternoon nap. Bakugo noticed this and took you in his arms and both of you lay on the bed. You were hugging his chest while laying on top of him. (At this rate, I'm kinda jealous of this kid even thought that's suppose to be me.) You both slept peacefully.


Todoroki slam open the door to Bakugo's room panicking about if you were okay or not since he did leave you with the Katsuki Bakugo. He saw you on top of Bakugo, sleeping peacefully and Bakugo glaring at him signalling him to be quiet.

'Shhhh Icyhot she's sleeping.' He whispered but loud enough for him to hear. Shoto rolled his eyes.

'She's not staying for the night. I'll have to take her back to the house in 1 hour.' He reminded bakugo. Bakugo's face saddened a bit but he nodded. Shoto smiled at you and put his hand on your little head. He kissed the top of you head and smiled walking out of there. Bakugo ruffled your hair a bit and smiled. He was sad a little knowing that he may not see you for sometime. He actually was gonna miss you. But he smirked at the idea that he could always force that icyhot bastard to bring you here...



Phew! 1420 words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay yeah, bye!!

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