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Our Song | 0

Fresh out of breakups they never saw coming, two old best friends rekindle their friendship and form a comfortship. Along the way they make a hit song and develop some unwanted feelings. Or maybe they are wanted feelings.

• <3 • <3 • <3 •

Hello and welcome to another story!

I'm super excited about this story and I really hope you are all, too!

I thought of this idea right after Laura interviewed TDE on the MTV Livestream in May of 2021. They just all three seemed so happy and it made me happy and inspired me to write another book!

I just wanna give a few heads up before publishing chapter one :)

This story will contain cursing and more mature topics (sex, alcohol, you know the gist). If you are not into hearing swear words or talking about sex, I would say maybe not read this? If there is super mature chapters I will try and remember to add a warning! No promises...

I like writing realistic stories, so I will try to keep everybody as realistic as possible. Obviously, this is still a work of fiction so there will be some unrealistic relationships, characters, maybe some false information on characters, too. Just know my overall goal is realistic.

Also, I've thought about not including The Driver Era World Tour in this story because the tour literally smack dab in the beginning/middle of my stories timeline, but after thinking about it I've come up with some cool ideas :) so the tour will be apart of this story!

I do not tolerate hate. Any hate on the characters, unrelated to how they are portrayed in my story (if they are bitches in my story, go ahead and hate on them. They most definitely deserve it), your comments will get deleted. If you keep commenting, you will be blocked. Spread love, not hate!

Our Song will be written in third person :)

Start Date: October 15th, 2021
End Date: July 18th, 2023

Love you all and hope you are excited for chapter one!!

Our Song || RauraWhere stories live. Discover now