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Our Song | 5

Five Days Later
October 19th, 2021

"Oh my gosh, is Ross Lynch actually FaceTiming me without me having to ask first?" Her tone is insanely sarcastic and Ross can't help but roll his eyes. It's no surprise that for the majority of their friendship it's always been Laura initiating their FaceTime chats or just normal phone call chats. But today might be the day that it changes. Not only did Ross FaceTime her, it was also out of the blue with no heads up. Well, technically she knew it was coming. Ross did say he'd FaceTime her today when they were texting last night, but she wasn't expecting it to happen (even if they've been texting everyday and FaceTimed a couple times last week...).

"Oh, shut up." He mumbles. "Are you busy?" He asks.

"No, you got me at the perfect time. I am heading to my parents in an hour for dinner, though." She tells him. He hums. "What are you up to?" Ross leans back in the computer chair and sighs.

"She texted me." Laura furrows her eyebrows for a moment. Is she supposed to know who she is? The look on his face says it all, though, and Laura's face softens.

"Oh." She replies. Ross has his thinking face on as he stares off into the distance. Laura sits up straighter on her couch. "I can listen if you want to talk about it." Laura offers.

"It sucks." He says after a minute. "I've been doing good, you know? I'm adjusting to not having her in my life. It sucked and I was miserable and lonely for a couple weeks, but I got used to it. And now she goes and texts me and fucks it all up." His voice turns bitter at the end. "I think I could have handled just the congrats on the album part. But did she really have to say she misses me?" Laura sucks in a breath. Wow

"Wow." She voices her thoughts. She really said that?

"Hold on, let me read you this shit message." His leans in closer to his phone that was resting up against his laptop screen. With his face this much closer, Laura can see just how stressed out his expression is.

"You sure you want to read it to me?" She asks. She doesn't want to overstep in any way. She still doesn't know why they broke up, so makes it okay to hear their messages?

"I haven't told anyone in my family." He admits with a sigh. "I hate talking about the breakup with them. They always bring up the fact she was such a sweetheart and they'll miss her and it only pisses me off." She gives him a soft smile.

"Good thing I barely knew her." He returns the soft smile. "Read away, Ross. I'm listening." He nods his head and opens up his messages. She messaged him over two hours ago while he was self taping an audition, and he has his read receipts on so she knows he's read it. He doesn't give a fuck, though. Except he does... just a little.

"Hey," He starts. "I wanted to reach out and congratulate you on your album. The songs are amazing and the fans seem to really love them. Your guys' success so far is incredible and I'm so insanely proud of you and your brother." He pauses to collect himself. He's feeling emotional and hates it. "I hope tour prep is going good and keeping your mind busy, I know my music stuff is keeping my mind busy." Now Laura furrows her eyebrows. Why is she talking about this? It feels inappropriate to bring up this soon after a breakup. "Congrats again, dude. You deserve everything in the world." He lets out a grunt. "That's the first message. Two minutes later she sends this: I miss you." Laura's eyes widen. "With a red heart."

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