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Our Song | 32

Three Weeks Later
June 14th, 2022

Laura grins as she swipes through the photos on Ross' most recent Instagram post. He posted nine new photos. Some are of his mirror selfies that Laura is obsessed with. He usually sends her them when they don't see each other all day. Others are of him and his brothers or with Super.

One photo, his fifth photo to be exact, is different.

It's a picture of her from a week ago when they went to the waterfront for dinner. She's standing on the balcony of the restaurant, looking over her shoulder at Ross with a smile on her face.

She likes the photo before going through the comments

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She likes the photo before going through the comments. Raini commented and Ross wasn't shy with replying.

rainydaychatter: The fifth photo is adorable ❤️
ross_lynch: @rainydaychatter thanks. It's actually
my lock screen.

Laura likes both of their comments.

Ross isn't kidding, it's been his lock screen since the moment he took the photo.

She opens up her phone to text Ross, suddenly missing him a little extra.

Very cheeky of you posting that photo of me 🫣

The countdown for Laura's tour is under a month now so she's been in the studio a lot. Ross had a few things he had to do with Rocky and the family, so they haven't seen each other in a couple of days.

Ross responds right away.

I was feeling risky today

Laura grins down at her phone. Over the last month they've had the conversation about social media. Both of them agreed they didn't care what is posted by family or each other, just as long as family didn't outright say they were dating. Stormie's posted a few photos of Laura in the family get togethers, Rydel's kept her in the family vlogs, but Ross and Laura haven't posted pictures of just the two of them yet. Except for the solo shot of Laura today.

I love you

"Laura, stop sexting your boyfriend and listen."

Laura's eyes snap up to her sister. "I'm not sexting." She states. "All I said was I love you."

Vanessa rolls her eyes. "Gross."

Laura rolls her eyes right back. "Oh, hush. I'm happy. You're happy. We're all happy."

"And watching you happy is kinda gross." She tells her.

"I hate you sometimes." Laura mumbles, narrowing her eyes. As much as she loves her older sister, she sometimes pisses her off, too. In the best sort of way, though. Laura wouldn't trade her for the world.

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