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Our Song | 34

Two Weeks Later
July 14th, 2022

"Ross, you've taken like, a million photos so far. I think I have plenty to post now." Laura complains, giving her best grump face to Ross' phone that's been pointed directly at her for the past five minutes.

They've been in Atlanta for two days now getting ready for Laura's ever first show. Ross has been the biggest helper Laura could ever ask for, even going as far as helping her team set up the stage for her show tonight. Her first show.

It's been Ross' mission to take as many photos as possible. Not only does he want to capture this day for her, her mom and his mom also asked for an abundance of photos to come through.

"I'm sorry! You just look so good up on that stage." He crouches down to get an angle that makes her look tall. Despite people moving around her to do last minute touches, she still looks amazing up on that stage. Ross couldn't be more excited for her.

Laura shakes her head and makes her ways towards him.

Grinning, Ross steps forward and helps her off the stage. He can't help but kiss her square on the lips the second her feet touch the ground. He gets to spend her first three shows with her before having to fly back to L.A. and prep for his own tour.

"You are touchy-feely today." Laura says once they pull away.

"You like it when I'm touchy-feely." He states, keeping an arm wrapped her.

"I do." She confirms. Her voice grows a little softer. "Are you excited to sing with me tonight?" About a week ago, Laura asked Ross if he'd sing Our Song for at least the first night of tour. The song is in her set list every night, it just won't be a duet. However, since he's here for the first three shows... she was hoping he'd join her. Of course he said yes. He'll say yes to anything that comes out of her mouth.

"I am. But I'm more excited to watch you."

Laura throws her head back and laughs. "Oh, you are just too sweet, Ross. You get boyfriend brownie points for that one." She pats his chest a few times.

• <3 • <3 • <3 •

"Okay, Atlanta." Laura breathes into her mic. "I think I can safely assume you have heard my latest duet with my very good friend, Ross Lynch." Although she can't really hear much from the crowd, she can tell they are shouting by the way they are jumping up and down either their hands in the air. "Well, you guys are in for a treat. Atlanta, please welcome out Ross Lynch!" Laura puts her arms out to the side to show off Ross walking from side stage.

He waves at the crowd and adjusts his own in-ears. As the music starts playing, he quickly walks up to Laura and pulls her in for a hug. While they're still hugging, he brings his microphone up to his face.

"I'll be honest," he starts, letting go of her. "I'm all right with me. Sunday mornings. In my own bedsheets." He keeps his eyes on Laura as he crosses the stage. "I've been waking up alone. I haven't thought of her for days. I'll be honest. It's better off this way." Ross begins to smile. "But every time I think that I can get you out my head. You never, ever let me forget. 'Cause." His smile is a full on grin, his anticipation killing him to hear Laura's voice join his.

"Just when I think you're gone. Hear our song on the radio. Just like that, takes me back. To the places we used to go." Ross reaches for her hand and gives her a twirl. "And I've been trying but I just can't fight it. When I hear it, I just can't stop smiling. I remember you're gone. Baby, it's just a song on the radio. That we used to know." Ross gets off center stage so Laura can have a few moments of the spotlight.

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