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Our Song | 10

A Couple Days Later
November 24th, 2021

"Is she almost here, Ross?" Stormie asks her son who's sitting across from her on the other couch. Rydel, Capron, Stormie and Ross are all lounging in the bus while Super naps and everyone else is out at lunch. Because Laura's coming to the venue early, Ross didn't want to risk being out at lunch with everyone and having her be stuck here alone, so he opted to stay at the venue with his mom and sister.

"She should be, yeah." He tells her. Capron looks between Stormie and Ross before settling on his wife. Capron just joined them a couple days ago, so he has no idea who the she is they're referring to. She's busy answering an email on her laptop at the table.

"Who?" Capron asks, deciding to ask Ross who is right beside him. Ross looks up from his phone.

"Oh, my friend Laura." Ross tells him. "She's the girl I did my Disney Channel show with." Capron's mouth forms an O. "You might have met her at the drive in for the album release? I don't know, she came late to it."

"Honey, we watched her in a movie on Netflix when we first started dating. The one where the guy creates an app where he pretends to be your date or something." Rydel explains, not even looking up from her laptop. Capron nods his head.

"Oh, okay I remember that movie, but I don't remember seeing her at the drive in. She's coming tonight, though?" He asks, now focusing back on Ross.

"Yeah, she's spending Thanksgiving with family here. Ry and I invited her to come to the show." He shrugs.

"And he is casually leaving out the fact they've been talking pretty much everyday for the past month and a half." Ross rolls his eyes at his sisters words.

"Rydel, I don't think he gives a shit about that." Capron holds a hand up, about to defend himself saying he's alright with knowing more or leaving everything as it is. He's pretty easygoing.

"Ugh, Capron. They used to be the bestest of friends when they did Austin and Ally!" Stormie gushes, ignoring Ross. "Always texting, always wanting to hang out, always always always teasing each other. The cutest friends! And Ross used to have the biggest crush on her-" Ross cuts his mom off mid sentence.

"Anyway," He dramatizes the word as his signal to move on. "she should be here any minute." He glances down at his phone to make sure he doesn't have a notification from her.

"Apparently they have been talking a lot because she just got out of a long relationship with someone." Rydel adds into the conversation. "How long were her and her boyfriend together?" Rydel asks. Ross sucks in his breath.

"Around four years." He tells her. "A little longer than Jaz and I, but our breakups were very similar. Identical, even." Rydel nods understandingly.

"She wants to have kids and get married?" Rydel asks. Stormie shakes her head, already knowing this information since her and Ross talked about it a couple days ago.

"No, opposite. He wanted that, she's not ready." Rydel raises her eyebrows.

"Wow, so you guys are identical." He nods. "Damn. Well good for her on not settling. I can only imagine how miserable it would be to have a kid you weren't ready for or wanting in the moment. They're a handful." She says.

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