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Our Song | 2

Same Day
October 1st, 2021

"Am I still doing this right? I don't feel like I'm doing this right." Calum says as he stares at the pot in confusion. He's in charge of mixing the sauce every minute or so. Literally it's just mixing, but he doesn't want to be the one who messes up Laura's (more like her dad's) famous spaghetti sauce.

"Relax, Calum. You're fine. It looks fine." Laura tells him. She's in charge of getting every ingredient out and measured correctly, Ross is in charge chopping up whatever needs to go in the sauce, and Raini is in charge of dumping all the ingredients into the sauce.

"You didn't even look at it, Laura." She rolls her eyes at his dramatic sass.

"You can't mess up the stirring, Calum." She reminds him, finally looking over at him. "It's look good."

"Buddy, you're a great cook. Stop freaking out." Ross tells him. Ross switches his role to grabbing meatballs that Laura's froze in the freezer so they could defrost a bit before adding them into the sauce. She made them a few days ago to cut down their spaghetti making time tonight and shoved them in the fridge to defrost a couple of hours ago.

"You're all good cooks." Laura adds. "I promise you that this will come out just as good as mine." She gives Calum a reassuring smile. They work together to finish up the sauce and start boiling the noodles. After the noodles are strained and the sauce has simmered, Raini dishes up everybody's plate full of noodles while Ross pours the sauce on top. Calum pours them each a glass of wine.

"Thank you guys for coming over tonight." Laura says, getting ready to take her first forkful of spaghetti into her mouth. "I really missed you all."

"I missed you fools bad. Texting and FaceTimes do not compare to this." Raini comments. "I'm so glad everyone's managed to stay healthy and alive." Smiles are shared across the table. "How's the family, Ross?"

"Good. Tour prep is in full swing so we've been pretty busy with that. My mom has another round of her treatment next week, which sucks because this one is supposed to be more brutal than the last and she felt sick for weeks afterwards." Talking about his moms cancer isn't the easiest thing for him. He hates it. "Rydel's trying for baby number two, so hopefully I'll have another niece or nephew next year."

"Your mom is a true fighter, Ross." Calum says, gently nudging Ross' side. "And that's awesome for Rydel. She seems like a great mom." Ross nods his head.

"I'm constantly thinking about your mom and sending her my good thoughts. She's in such great hands with all the love and support she receives from your family. That's so so so important." Laura tells him. Ross gives her a small smile.

"Thanks." He whispers. Noticing he doesn't want to talk about it anymore, Laura looks at Calum.

"How's Celeste, Calum? And your mom?" Calum smiles now. The attention shifts to him.

"Good good. Celeste is guest staring in this new comedy show that'll air in the new year, I think." Laura smiles.

"Ahh! Yay, I love that!" She cheers.

"Yeah, she's pretty excited. She's hoping to become a main character, they said there's a possibility if the show gets a second season." He explains.

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