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So this chapter will be choppy!!!! It's gonna be compiled of phone calls/FaceTimes and texts over the course of 8ish days. Just wanted to warn you that snippets might be super short and some might be longer haha. Anyway, hope you enjoy this :)

Our Song | 8

A Few Days Later
November 16th, 2021

"Holy shit, Laura." Is the first thing to leave Ross' mouth the moment their phone call connects. "Last night was the most insane thing I've felt in a long fucking time." Smiling, Laura tilts her head and shoves her phone between her ear and her shoulder so she can continue folding her laundry.

"First show was a success then?" She questions with a slight tease in her tone.

"Fuck yeah it was." He tells her. "It was...I-I I can't even put it into words. Two years away was way too fucking long." One thing Laura has noticed over the last month or so it that when Ross is excited, he swears. A lot. "Someone threw a cowboy hat at me. It's a cheap green one, but they decorated it with glitter and like this, tinsel shit. Pretty sick, actually. And so many roses were thrown on stage." He explains. "A lot of people had signs, we usually don't get those." He adds. "A few of them were for Rydel and Super."

"Where was Super during the show?" Laura asks.

"With my mom side stage. That way he's close to Rydel and can see her at all times." Laura lets out a soft aw at that. All she can think about is how happy it must make Rydel that she can continue doing what she loves and being her little Superman with her. "A couple fans had signs that read I'm only here for Super or for Rydel or whatever. She loved that." Laura smiles wide.

"I bet she does. Is it crazy to have a baby on the bus?" She asks. He chuckles.

"It's different." He admits. "Rydel had a conversation about being quiet when Super is napping. I know for a fact Super will be great entertainment, though."

"Uh, yeah. He'll be the life of the party! That little man is the absolute cutest. I wish I could have spent more than 5 minutes with him at your guys' drive in thingy." She frowns.

"Dude, I've told you several times to just ask my sister to hang out. I swear she'd say yes in a heartbeat to grabbing lunch and bringing Superman. All she needs is a few days notice to figure out when she's free." Laura sighs.

"When she's free. Those words right there are what make me hesitate to reach out other than a simple congrats or whatever when one is in order. She's literally so busy running a company, being a social media mogul, being a mom, and now being the badass keyboard player for this okay band." Ross rolls his eyes.

"I'm ignoring that." He tells her. She smiles. "How about this. I'll send you pictures and videos of him while we're on tour so you can see his cute face." Laura chews on the inside of her cheek.

"Mmmm." She hums. "Deal. I'll take what I can get for now. Now, tell me more about your first show!"

The Next Night
November 17th, 2021

For the first time in weeks, Laura finally got in bed before ten o'clock. It was honestly a miracle, but she did it and she even managed to fall asleep by 10:30. Well, at least she was living a miracle. Now she's being awoken by her ringing phone on the nightstand.

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