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Our Song | 21
A Week Later
March 20th, 2022

Ross keeps picking at his fingernails as he listens to his brothers talk about whatever it is they're talking about. He's tuning them out and doesn't even feel bad about it. The past couple of weeks have been... interesting, to say the least. And he hasn't quite figured out what to do about the interesting feeling he's been feeling.

"Yo, are you even listening to our conversation?" Rocky asks, nudging Ross' knee with his shoe.

Ross raises his eyebrows as he looks at his brother. "Nope." He admits with a shrug. "Have other shit on my mind."

Rocky and Ryland share a look.

"Do you want to tell us what else is on your mind? Because the conversation we're having is sorta important, my guy." Rocky says.

No, Ross really doesn't want to tell them what's on his mind. Because he knows once he voices it, it all become real. He doesn't want it to become real. "Do I have to?"

"If you want someone to listen, then yeah." Rocky shrugs. "I think we already have an idea on what's going through your head, though."

Ross chews on his lip. It's already starting to feel real. "Fuck." He mumbles. "I shouldn't be feeling the way I feel." He admits.

Rocky gives Ryland a look. Let him get it out, is what the look is saying. Rocky really wants Ross to get it off his chest before he offers advice.

Ross scratches his chin. "I mean, I knew there was a slight chance that I could feel this way. It's sorta impossible not to when spending this much time with her. I was obsessed with her back then, how did I not think think the obsession would return?" Obsession isn't exactly the word he should have used, but saying obsessed over the word like makes him feel better about the situation.

When it's clear Ross isn't going to say anything else, Rocky speaks up. "Why shouldn't you be feeling this way?" He asks.

"Because it's Laura." Ross says. "She's the last person I should ever feel this way about."

Rocky frowns. "I still don't understand why that's such a bad thing, Ross."

Ryland sighs. "I don't see the problem either, bro."

Ross looks defeated. He feels defeated "That girl deserves the fucking world, guys. The whole world. I really don't think I can give her that." He shrugs sadly. "She's way too good for me and I won't ever be good enough for her."

"Has she told you that?" Rocky asks.

Ross shakes his head. "Fuck no. Are you kidding? She has no idea how I feel."

Rocky looks at him confused. "So what makes you think you're not good enough for her?"

"It's a feeling." He shakes his head again. "She's a ray of sunshine. A light in this world. And I'm... not." He explains. His chest feels like it's tightening up. Fuck this. He's never once felt like he wasn't good enough for someone. Not for Courtney and definitely not for Jasmine. Why is Laura any different? Maybe because he knows her worth before liking her? Maybe because he's seen her full potential, the good and bad and everything in between? Fuck if he knows.

It goes silent for a few minutes as the three of them take in everything that's been said. About Ross not feeling good enough for the girl he's possibly in love with? That breaks his brothers hearts. It would most definitely break his entire family's hearts to hear that.

"Do you love her?" Ryland finally asks.

"I love her like I've always loved her, that'll never change. I'm not in love with her, but I definitely am in like with her." He shakes his head. "All I know is whenever she unintentionally friend zones me, my chest tightens. Every time she hugs me, my heart rate picks up. Every time I get a notification on my phone, I hope it's her. Why do you think I've been spending nearly every fucking day with her?" Today was an exception (and tomorrow). Ross and Rocky needed to focus on The Driver Era for a little while, and they had their annual Church Sunday at Uncle Shor's house.

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