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Our Song | 25

Two Days Later
April 21st, 2022

The last 48 hours have been absolute craziness for Ross and Laura. They flew to New York Wednesday, got invited to a classy bar where they did a surprise performance of Our Song that night (thanks to a friend of there's who was providing music), crashed hard afterwards in the same bed yet all they did was cuddle. Cuddle. They could have done a whole lot more but they were too exhausted to do anything but cuddle. This time, Ross made sure to fall asleep with only his boxer briefs on. Laura wore a sports bra and sweats, that way she couldn't make Ross sweat. It was a success, he slept like a warm baby all night long.

Today has been crazy, too. They woke up early (thanks to being on West Coast time) and went to breakfast. Came back to the hotel and got ready for their SiriusXM interview and acoustic performance. Went straight to Jimmy Fallon where they got full glam done and performed Our Song. Then they went out to an early dinner where Ross made Laura laugh the hardest she's ever laughed in her life, and her feelings for him only grew. Him watching her laugh? His feelings only grew.

Now they're at a bar that's packed, standing off to the side at a tall table. They're still dressed in their Jimmy Fallon clothes. They had two glasses of wine at dinner and now on their first drink at the bar. Ross is drinking a high percentage beer while Laura is drinking a cocktail, they're standing close enough for Laura to occasionally touch his arm while talking. Alcohol makes her more affectionate. Or that's just Ross.

"What about..." Laura thinks for a moment. For the last ten or so minutes they've been asking each other relationship-y questions. "Sex. We haven't talked about that." She blurts. Okay, so maybe the alcohol is getting to her.

"Sex?" Ross questions, raising his eyebrows. "What about sex?"

Laura blows out a breath. "Ideally, how many times a week?"

Ross lets out a small laugh. "I don't put a number on how many times a week I expect sex." He tells her.


"Did you ever put a number on it?" He asks.

Laura shrugs. "No, not really. There's definitely been weeks on end where I wasn't getting any, though. That was kinda sucky."

"Definitely sucky." He agrees. "It depends on how we're feeling." He shrugs. "Sometimes I'd go every day for a week or two and then I'd go a whole week without it." He explains.

"So you enjoy it." She concludes.

He furrows his eyebrows. "Yes..." He trails off. "I enjoy sex." He looks at her for a moment. "Laura?"

She hums, even though Ross can't hear it over the music and chatter of everyone else.

"Do you enjoy sex?" He asks.

She thinks for a moment. "For the most part, yes." She nods. "At least, there's parts of it that I enjoyed. I didn't always... you know." She shrugs.

Ross sips his beer. "I think the alcohol is getting to you, Laura. You're being awfully brave with what you're telling me right now." He can't help but grin. There's no way in hell she'd tell him this sober.

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