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Our Song | 33

Two Weeks Later
June 30th, 2022

"I'm sorry, this is day what? Ten in a row?" Laura beams up at Ross.

He just walked through her front door, Thai takeout food in hand. He grins down at her. "Hell yeah, baby." He says, leaning down to kiss her.

For ten days straight now, Ross has left his house before six o'clock to come over and eat dinner with Laura (and also to spend the night, of course). Even on Sunday's after being with Ross' family all day, they go back to Laura's afterward.

Even though he hasn't asked Laura if she's ready for them to be living together, him and Rocky talked through starting a schedule that works for them both. They both wanted a balance that allowed them to be musicians and human beings. And so far, for the past ten days, it's been great. Both boys are happier and it shows.

"Mhmm, you taste great." Laura says, licking her lips once Ross pulls away.

He chuckles. "Chapstick." He tells her.

"No, I definitely tasted something else."

"I may have sampled on my way over." He admits with a shrug.

Laura playfully rolls her eyes. "You suck." She snatches the bag of takeout from his hands and walks into her kitchen.

"I was hungry!" He exclaims, trailing behind her. Ross leans against her kitchen island and watches as she maneuvers her way around, grabbing plates and utensils for the two of them. This is what brings him joy. Being here. Watching her put takeout on two plates for them so they can eat together.

"Is there a reason you're watching me?" Laura asks, not even bothering to glance his way. She can feel his eyes on her.

"No reason." He tells her. "Just like watching you."

She hums a response. It takes her another minute to get the food separated. She makes sure to give Ross more than hers, his appetite is much larger than hers. "Couch or table?" She asks.

Ross shrugs. "Table is fine." He pushes himself off the kitchen island and grabs his plate. "I do like watching you, you know."

"I do." She smiles. "I like watching you, too." She purposely sits across from him at her table so she can watch him. "Have I told you how much I love eating dinner with you? I really do look forward to this everyday." She admits.

"I look forward to it, too." He nods. Is now a good time to talk about moving in?

Laura keeps her eyes on her food as she says her next words. "I also really like having you in bed next to me every night." Her voice is soft. It takes her another moment before looking up and locking eyes with Ross.

"I really love having you in bed next to me every night." He matches her softness. "Me and Rocky are sticking with this schedule, even after tour." Ross pauses. "Can I tell you something without you getting all... weird?"

Laura's eyes widen the slightest. "Uh... yeah. Go for it." She says, a little taken aback. "We can always be honest with each other, no matter the weirdness."

He chuckles softly. "I know, I just... I didn't tell you the real reason why we made a schedule." He starts.

Laura furrows her brows. "You said you guys wanted boundaries."

"Which isn't entirely wrong. We need the balance so we can do other things and not be so focused on our music. We need lives outside of work." He can't help the heat that makes an appearance on his cheeks. "You are the biggest part of me wanting balance and a life outside of making music." He admits.

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