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Our Song | 29

The Next Day
April 28th, 2022

"What's up, I'm Ross Lynch." He pauses and nods his head at Laura.

"And I'm Laura Marano. And we're going to play a game of Truth or Drink. It's a game I've never played before and I'm only slightly terrified."

Ross chuckles. "Hey, I played it a few years ago and... well, I was going to say it wasn't that bad, but I told some pretty big secrets on there."

Laura raises her eyebrows and leans forward to get closer to Ross. "Like what?" She asks.

He laughs. "Go back and watch the video."

She pouts out her bottom lip.

He playfully rolls his eyes. "You already know everything."

She smiles happily. "Yay!" She cheers, holding up her wine in a can. She's tempted to sip on it now. Her and Ross already took two shots before starting to film, that way they can feel less pressure and actually have fun.

Ross picks up the first card that has their question on the other side. "We were told that we get to start of easy and gradually make our way to the more uh, risqué things." He glances over the words. "Oh, okay. This isn't bad. Well... actually?" He scratches his chin.

"Are you gonna tell me or..." Laura says.

"Sorry sorry, I'm thinking." He clears his throat. "What's the biggest lie you've ever told?" He asks, setting the card down. "I honestly can't even think."

"I don't tell lies often." Laura shrugs.

"Really?" Ross asks her. It's a pretty believable statement for her to make. She really is a truthful person.

"I probably lie the most to press about relationship stuff and when my next projects are coming out, but that's literally because ninety-nine percent of the time, I'm physically not allowed to talk about it to the press." Laura explains.

Ross nods in understanding. "Honestly, though, I'd have to say the same."

Laura smiles and holds her hand up for a high five.

He laughs softly before lifting his own hand and slapping it lightly against hers.

"Yay for us not drinking on the first one!" She grabs the second card and turns it over. "Oooo, would you hook up with your high school crush today?" She glances at Ross for a moment. "We'll, my high school crush turned into my high school boyfriend." She begins. "But would I hook up with him today? Definitely not." She shakes her head. Wow, the two shots have already hit her.

Ross shrugs. "I was homeschooled." He states.

Laura furrows her eyebrows. "Okay, so change it to someone you knew during your high school age." She bites back a smile.

He raises his eyebrows and looks at her. "Would I hook up with my seventeen year old crush?" He asks.

She simply nods.

He narrows his eyes at her. His high school aged crush was her. And she knows that. The silly little smile that she can't hold back is glowing on her face. "Yes. I would."

Laura rests her elbows onto the table, leans foreword, and bites her cheek before speaking quietly. "Who is it?" She asks.

Ross holds up his pointer finger. "I believe that isn't part of the question so I don't have to answer it."

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