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Our Song | 6

Almost 2 Weeks Later
November 4th, 2021

"Mmm wanna hand me that whisk really quick?" Laura asks pointing to the whisk in the sink.

"Why do you need this?" He asks. He already whisked up their waffle batter. They're making breakfast for dinner: yummy waffles, bacon, eggs, and toast. Should be more like a midnight meal considering it's 11:30pm, but it was the only time they could hang out today. With Ross' tour rehearsals being crazy hours everyday they haven't been able to see each other at normal hours. Not to mention, Ross still hasn't told anyone in his family that he's been hanging out with Laura. They've only hung out a few times in the past two weeks, but that doesn't stop them from texting and FaceTiming.

"I added some cinnamon." She shrugs. Ross raises his eyebrows. "I promise it's good. And if you don't like it... well then more for me." He rolls his eyes.

"I'm sure I'm gonna like it." He tells her. They work side by side in the kitchen as they make up their food. They keep up an easy conversation on what Ross is most excited about for touring. Once their food is ready they sit down at Laura's dining room table and dig in.

"Do you have rehearsals tomorrow?" Laura asks. Ross nods.

"Yeah, nine o'clock. Our last day is Sunday." Laura furrows her eyebrows. "Our days are shorter, though. Last week we pulled like, nine hour days. This week we've been in and out in under four." He takes a bite of his waffle. "Everyone's going to Florida for a vacation next week so rehearsals are ending early."

"You're not going?" He shrugs.

"No, I don't think so. Ryland and my dad aren't either. We're gonna help load equipment and make sure everything gets done right. Ry wants to run more lights, too and I want to be there to help him. Riker has his short film premiered next weekend but he only has like, three extra tickets so all of us can't even go." He explains.

"Wow, that's amazing for Riker!" Laura exclaims. "Sucks about the limited tickets, though." Ross nods.

"Yeah. He knows we all love and support him, though. He's literally the best." Laura gives him a warm smile. "What are your plans for next week?" Laura sighs.

"Who knows." She admits. He chuckles. "My life's just... blah right now. I feel like I'm in the in between."

"Totally know that feeling." He says. "Push through it. Hang out with some friends. Have some fun." Laura points her fork at him.

"I'm hanging out with you, you're my friend." He rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, I know that, but I also know that you're not hanging out with anyone else, either. And we've only hung out a few times over the last month. You have better friends than me." She shrugs. "Just... do it, okay?" She nods.

"I will." She says through a dramatic sigh. "I will." She sips on her water. "Do you like the waffles?" She asks.

"Yeah, they're good. The cinnamon isn't overpowering or anything." She nods.

"Mhm, it's the perfect dash of it. Just a little flavor."

The Next Morning
November 5th, 2021

Ross yawns as he walks through the front door of his house. Rehearsals are in fifteen minutes (which he's going to be late for), but he couldn't show up in the same clothes he wore from yesterday. He got too tired last night and crashed in Laura's guest room again. He's done that every time so far since they always hang out late at night.

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