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Our Song | 36

A Few Months Later
November 12th, 2022

Laura glances up at Ross' outstretched hand. She hasn't moved from her spot on the couch for a half an hour, she wanted to confuse not moving for at least another half an hour. "What are you doing?" She asks, tilting her head up to look at him.

"Dance with me." He simply says, wiggling his fingers. He's fresh out of a shower, his first shower in their new rental house.

Laura scrunches up her nose. "I'm too tired to dance." She complains.

"Love, it's our first night in the place. I want to do something to celebrate." He explains.

"Can you just cuddle with me? This is a new couch, we can celebrate by cuddling." She brings the blanket closer to her neck, cuddling further into the couch. They spent the last ten hours moving everything into this place. Yes, they got major help from everyone in their families that was available, but it doesn't make her any less exhausted.

"We are totally going to something different than cuddling to celebrate the new couch. And our new bed. Which is comfortable, by the way. Almost didn't shower because I fell asleep for a few minutes in it's comfiness." He wiggles his fingers again. "Come on. Get up and dance with me."

With a dramatic sigh, Laura throws off her blanket and grabs onto Ross' hand. "You are so lucky I love you."

Ross grins down at her, keeping their fingers interlocked and snaking his free hand down to her waist. "I would fucking hope you love me."

Ignoring the cockiness in his voice, she brings her free hand up to the nape of his neck, her fingers tangling in his hair. "I'm surprised you have pants on right now." Laura whispers.

Ross' hand moves to the small of he back, pressing their bodies closer together. He's wearing black joggers right now, which yes is surprising. He is a very big fan of being naked around Laura as much as he can. "I know you like it when you have to strip me down." He says softly.

Laura can't help but laugh. She gives in and presses her forehead against his shoulder, his bare skin radiating heat straight through her shirt. "Can't argue with that." She admits. Her lips land on his skin before she looks up at him. "Would you have thought we'd be here a year ago?" She pulls his head down to kiss his lips for a moment.

"You and I both know the answer to that question." He whispers against her lips. He lets go of her hand and snakes his other arm around her, fully pressing them together.

"It's crazy, though, isn't it? Good crazy, of course. But still crazy, nonetheless."

Ross leans down and kisses her again. "A very good crazy." He grabs ahold of the hem of her t-shirt. "Arms up."

Laura rolls her eyes but listens. She lets Ross easily take her shirt off, leaving her in a bralette. "Are we going to celebrate our new couch now?" She asks.

He leans down and kisses her jawline. "Maybe." He mumbles, nipping at her skin. His hands roam around her bare back, his fingers playing with the small clasp of her bralette.

• <3 • <3 • <3 •

Laura lifts her head off of Ross' chest at the sound of 3 knocks at the door. "You expecting anyone?" Laura asks, looking down at her very sexy boyfriend who just rocked her world less than twenty minutes ago.

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