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Our Song | 7

Four Days Later
November 13th, 2021

"What should we do for dinner tonight?" Ryland asks from the kitchen. He's currently looking through their cupboards and pantry to see if anything sounds good. So far there's nothing catching his eye. Ross turns his head from the couch to glance in in the direction of the kitchen

"Uh, I honestly don't care, dude." He admits, immediately turning his head back to the tv. The hockey games on and right now Colorado is down one point against the opposing team and the games almost over. Unfortunately, that means Ross' mood is a little grumpy. "We're fucking screwed." He says with a sigh. Just as Ryland gives up on looking and makes his way back into the living room, Ross' phone dings with a text message.

"Yo, if that's mom tell her she can just FaceTime us now instead of later." Ross doesn't say anything as he checks the message.

You and Ryland doing anything exciting tonight? Any
last hoorah before you leave for six weeks?

Definitely not. Staying in for the night and most likely
watching the hockey games that are on. Colorado is
playing now and we're losing so off to a great start 👍🏻

Lame! Sucks that your teams losing tho. Maybe they can
turn it around?

Probably not. The last periods almost over and we're
getting weaker. Better luck next time I guess

Damn that's a bummer. Make a yummy dinner to make
up for it 😂

Ross looks away from his phone and over to his brother who's sitting on the other end of the couch. Does he dare ask him if he's okay with Laura coming over? This will be the last time they see each other for awhile. Ryland shouldn't mind, either. They get along great and he even crashed their FaceTime call a couple days ago and talked with them for awhile.

"Hey, Ry?" Ross speaks up. May as well ask, he thinks. Ryland hums. "Do you care if I invite Laura over for the evening?"

"Nah, go for it. Ask if she can pick us up some Shake Shack or something on her way over." Ross rolls his eyes. Of course he'd use her for food.

You busy for the rest of the night?

Nope. My plan was to binge Love it or List It and
*maybe* call my sister. She is currently out on date
night with her boyfriend so not sure if that phone call
will end up happening

You're welcome to come over. However Ry requests that
if you come over you need to pick up shake shack or
something for dinner because we have no food. Usually
that's the case when we're about to leave for tour

Ooo I think I can do that. Text me your orders!! I can
head out in like ten minutes

"Okay, she's coming over and grabbing Shake Shack. What do you want, fool?" He asks.

"Wait, really? She's coming over and seriously getting us food?" Ryland asks in amazement.

"Yeah..." Ross trails off. Why his brother is amazed and surprised by that beats him. Laura a nice woman, of course she'll get them food if they ask.

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