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Our Song | 24

A Few Days Later
April 19th

Ross puts his hand over Laura's. "Stop picking at your nails." He says, squeezing her fingers.

Laura frowns. She didn't even realize she was picking at her nails. The nails she just paid good money for yesterday. She doesn't even know why she's so nervous now, they were interviewed by James Corden hours ago and played Our Song live for the first time ever. The episode is airing now, though, and Laura thinks it's finally setting in that they did it. They freaking did it.

To celebrate their first ever late show interview (and honestly their first press for  Our Song), Mark and Stormie put the projector up in the backyard so both families can enjoy the episode live. Ross and Laura are currently sharing a lay down chair front and center with their families surrounding them in other chairs.

"Why are you nervous?" He asks her softly. "The hard parts already over. You were a pro and everyone will see that." Unlike himself. He was a nervous wreck.

"I know." She shrugs, not understanding why herself.

"Oh my stars!" Stormie squeals at James mentioning his next guests. But of course, it goes to commercial before they actually come out.

"Do you think we embarrassed ourselves?" Laura asks.

Ross furrows his eyebrows. He's never seen Laura this nervous before. This territory is new to him and he's not sure how she should handle it. "I don't think so." He admits. He knows Laura didn't embarrass herself, but he can't be too sure about himself. He couldn't seem to keep his eyes off her during the interview. He's hoping it won't be noticeable with all the camera angle changes that happens on late night tv, but he can't be too sure.

"Okay." She breathes.

He nudges her side to get her to look at him. "We're good, Laura. We did good." He tells her softly.

"You're right." She nods. They watch in silence as the commercials play out on the projector.

"Welcome back to our show. I'm sitting here next to Ross Lynch and Laura Marano, who by the way, are making their late night interview debut." He turns to Ross and Laura. "I am so honored, you guys, that you chose me to make your debut." He teases.

"You had the best application by far, James." Laura tells him, playing into his joking.

"See, you're a pro." Ross tells her.

A quiet laugh washes over her and her anxiety over this fades. "I think faster on my feet." She mumbles.

The whole gang watches in silent as the three of them go back and forth on late night tv and how Ross has performed on Jimmy Kimmel years ago. It's almost two minutes into the show before James starts asking questions.

"Okay, you two. I need a friendship rundown. You guys have been friends for years, did a Disney Channel show together, and now you've written a hit song together. Give me all the details."

Ross and Laura look at each other for a moment.

"We met in two thousand and eleven, right?" Ross asks. "Like, auditions were the start of the year."

"Yes." Laura confirms. "Our Disney show was called Austin and Ally, which ironically we played singer-songwriters. Our show aired for just about four years. And we're still friends seven years after the fact."

"Have you guys really stayed in touch this whole time, though? Like, that's eleven years you've known each other. I've worked with people longer and gosh, I do not stay in touch with them." James laughs.

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