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Our Song | 17

3 Weeks Later
January 13th, 2022

Stormie Lynch 💖:
<YouTube link>
Oh my stars watch part of the boys' interview! Go
to 3:46 and watch up until 5:00

With furrowed eyebrows, Laura clicks the video link attached to the message from Stormie. A video from Cosmopolitan's YouTube channel pops up titled, The Driver Era's Rocky & Ross Lynch Answer Fan Questions. She remembers Ross mentioning him and Rocky doing a few days of interviews around L.A. a few days before they left for Europe (they left the 7th, tour started in London on the 9th). Which makes sense considering this interview was posted two days ago, giving Cosmo almost a couple weeks to edit it. Sighing, she skips to the a few seconds before Stormie told her to start.

Rocky claps his hands and smiles.

"Your turn bro." He points to Ross. Chuckling, Ross reaches his hand into a see-through bowl of folded up pieces of paper. Each paper contains a question that Cosmo got from Twitter and Instagram comments about The Driver Era, them as individuals, and more. Ross successfully fishes one out and unfolds the paper, his cheeks turning slightly pink as he reads the question in his head first. He's really hoping the camera doesn't pick up on the slight pinkness.

"Are Ross Lynch and Laura Marano dating?" He reads aloud. He can't help but laugh a little. Rocky doesn't hold out on laughing either. "I am not dating Laura Marano." He confesses. For some odd reason, he feels like he needs to clarify his answer. The Raura shippers would somehow twist around his words and say something like, He's only saying that so he won't 'out their relationship'. They're dating. "Laura and I..." He pauses and takes a deep breath. "we've definitely been hanging out a lot more recently, as I'm sure whoever wrote this was aware of her in our sisters YouTube Channel and our mom's social media. But, it's not because we're dating or that we secretly like each other. We both recently went through something similar, and we sorta found comfort in each other, in a way." He tries to explain. "But no, we are not dating. And even if we were, I probably wouldn't announce it to the world during an interview..."

Laura's about to exit out of the video and call Ross, who's currently somewhere in Europe, but she pauses as she notices she's not quite at the 5:00 mark.

Ross reaches into the bowl for another question, trying to distract him from the fact he just rambled on about not dating Laura Marano. He pauses when someone says something from behind the camera.

"Do you see yourself dating her in the future?" Ross raises his eyebrows and leans over the table slightly. He didn't hear her very well. Or he's trying to pretend like he didn't. He doesn't really know.

"Say that again?" Ross asks. Rocky sucks in a breath, knowing exactly what the lady behind the camera asked.

"Do you think you'll ever date in the future?" Ross takes a deep breath and leans back in his seat. He scratches his chin for a moment.

"Uh, wow, I haven't been asked that question in a long time." He stops scratching his chin and folds his hands on the table, sitting up straighter now. "The fact that I'm actually thinking about it gives you the answer." He laughs the slightest. A nervous laugh, that is. Rocky is using his hand to cover his smile. "She's an amazing woman and if we date in the future, then we date. If we don't, then we don't. I have no idea what the future holds." He honestly admits.

Laura exits out of the video now. Her jaw has been dropped since the moment the someone had the balls to ask if he'd see them dating in the future. She doesn't even text Stormie back. Instead, she calls Ross. FaceTime's him, actually. The only question is... will he answer? She doesn't know whether he's performing, sleeping, or having a day off. Ross never knows his schedule, either. She closes her mouth as the FaceTime connects.

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