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Our Song | 15

The Next Morning
December 20th, 2021

"Good mornin'." Ross says as he fights a yawn. He loses and stretches at the same time. Laura looks up from her laptop and smiles at him in his sleepy state.

"Morning!" She cheers. "Have you thought about what you want for breakfast?" She asks him. He shakes his head and sits down beside her on the couch.

"My mom texted me and said her and my uncle are making a huge brunch to celebrate the end of tour. Is it okay if we do breakfast another time?" He asks her. Laura tries to keep the smile on her face from dropping. She was really looking forward to making him breakfast and hanging out with him.

"Of course. Do you need to head out soon then?" She asks, slowly closing her laptop. There's no point in looking over the last few emails when Ross has to take off soon.

"Nah, I've got a bit." Ross shrugs. She nods her head slowly.

"Cool. Have you thought about what I said last night?" She asks, not beating around the bush. This was going to be her topic of choice during breakfast. You know, ease him into the conversation and butter him up with a yummy breakfast. But she guesses right now is an okay time to bring it up. Ross sighs and leans his head back on the couch.

"I have thought about it." He says. "It's not an easy answer, Laura. There's a lot of shit I have to consider into making a decision that big." Laura furrows her eyebrows.

"You're your own label, Ross. That takes away so many issues right there." She explains. Ross closes his eyes. She's not wrong, it takes away dealing with legality stuff and timeline stuff, but there are still other things to worry about.

"I know." He says. "But..." He's trying to figure out a way to word his thoughts out load. "I don't want to take my focus away from The Driver Era right now. I don't want to do ditch my brother or take my mind off of your while we're in the middle of it. We've pushed back this tour so many times that they deserve my full attention. I also want to relax between now and the Europe portion of tour." Laura furrows her eyebrows.

"Ross, I never said we had to drop everything and do a song together now. I was purely suggesting in the near future, after tour, we should sit down and see if we could write a song together." She explains. Now Ross furrows his eyebrows.

"What brought up wanting to write a song together?" He asks, really curious on why now she wants to make something. They've had plenty of years to make on.

"Because I got inspired by something you said a few weeks ago." She shrugs. "And I don't want to pursue those thoughts until... until you say yes to making a song with me." He groans. "What?"

"It's just not a good time now, Laura." Now she groans.

"I just told you we can do it after your tour is finished!" Her groan has turned into a whine. He doesn't respond for a moment. "Ross, come on! Think about it. The two of us, the real life Austin and Ally, writing a hit song together! Doesn't that sound fun and exciting?"

"No, it feels like we'd be stepping back into our Disney image and knocking ourselves down a peg in our careers." He admits. Laura jerks her head back in surprise. His tone was harsher than he intended it to be.

"Stepping back into our Disney image?" She rolls her eyes.

"Anything that involves you and I automatically brings us back to our Disney image." The way he says Disney image, like those words leave a nasty taste on his tongue, makes Laura frown. Frown in disappointment.

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