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Our Song | 28

The Next Day
April 26th, 2022

"We got this, yeah?" Ross asks softly, looking down at Laura's smiling face. Today is just as busy as yesterday. They're currently in a green room backstage at The Kelly Clarkson with less than five minutes to go before they get interviewed. Plus a live performance at the end of the show. The best part? Ellen, Vanessa, Stormie, Rydel, Rocky and Ryland are out in the crowd. They hurried out there a few minutes ago during a small intermission so they wouldn't disrupt anything or miss Ross and Laura's segment. Even better? Ellen and Stormie are tagging along for the next stop; a Compliment Battle for Teen Vogue.

"Yes." She whispers, smiling slightly wider when he cups her face. She knows he's about to give her a kiss that makes her knees weak. "Don't ruin my makeup, dude."

"Just a peck, dude." He barely presses his lips against hers.

"You are a tease." She mumbles, pushing on his chest.

He lets out a small laugh. "You said not to ruin your makeup!"

"But you could have kissed me with more umph." She states. "You teased me."

"I like teasing you." He replies. "I've always liked teasing you." He adds.

"Kiss me for real. Without ruining my lipstick."

"I'm going to ruin it if I kiss you any harder than I just did, love."

Laura's eyes widen the slightest. Ross has never called her an endearing nickname before. He's called her lady on several occasions, dork, and dude a majority of the time. But love? That's new. So is the feeling in her chest; new.

"What?" He asks, noticing the shift in her expression.

"You called me love." She tells him.

"Oh." He furrows his eyebrows. "Is it a bad thing? I didn't even realize I said it."

Laura shakes her head. "No no, it was a good thing. A great thing." She brings her hand up to cup his cheeks. "I really liked being called that. No one's called me love before."

He smiles down at her. "Okay." He nods, kissing her lips harder than before.

They don't get a lot of time to kiss. The biggest reason being there was a knock on their door thirty seconds later. They made their way to the stage to wait for Kelly Clarkson to announce their appearance.

"Alright y'all. My next two guests have continued to climb the charts over the last week with their hit song Our Song, which they will be performing at the end of the episode. Please welcome Ross Lynch and Laura Marano!"

Hand in hand, something they decided to do last minute, the two of them walk onto the stage with smiles. Ross lets Laura sit down closest to Kelly and makes himself comfortable beside her, making sure to leave a little space between them. He knows if he sits too close he won't be able to concentrate.

The interview starts off like they all have been; Kelly talking about their past, asking the inspiration behind the song, etc. But towards the end of the short segment, she asks a question neither of them sees coming.

"Okay, I have to ask this question because there was an overwhelming amount of comments on social media about this..." She pauses for dramatic effect.

"Alright, hit us with it, Kelly." Laura laughs, feeling the nerves bubble up inside her. She knows it's going to be Raura related, she just doesn't know what.

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