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Our Song | 11

The Same Day
November 24th, 2021

"Brace yourself for the excited squeals from my mom." Ross breathes out, hand on the tour bus door. "And Super, if he woke up." Laura grins.

"Oh, I'm so ready." Sighing, Ross tugs the door open.

"Ah, they're back!" Ross already hears his mom say. He motions Laura to walk up the stairs first. By the time Ross takes a deep breath and walks up after her, Stormie's already off the couch and pulling Laura into a bone crushing hug.

"Okay, don't hurt her, mom." Ross mumbles, watching the encounter from the entryway of the bus. He notices his sister is gone, most likely waking Super up from his nap and changing his diaper. The second they pull away, Ross clears his throat and steps forward. "Laura, this is Capron. Capron, my friend Laura." Laura smiles at Capron.

"So this is who Super gets half his cuteness from! It's nice to officially meet you, Capron. I've seen so many pictures of you on Instagram I feel like I've met you already." Capron laughs as he stands up and gives her a quick.

"Pretty sure Super has only Lynch in him, but yes that's me. It's nice to meet you, too. These three were just giving me the rundown on who you were. I've been told you two used to be the bestest of friends?" Capron questions. Laura's eyes travel to Stormie's. She's grinning.

"Were we?" She asks, now looking at Ross. "I kinda hated him when we were younger." Ross rolls his eyes.

"She's kidding." He tells Capron. "She was obsessed with me." Laura's eyes widen in surprise. She was expecting some teasing about how they were best friends, however obsessed with me wasn't where she thought he'd go. Well, if this is where he wants to take it, then do be it.

"No no, I believe it was you who was obsessed with me." He barrows his eyes.

"Bullshit." He scoffs. She crosses her arms.

"Please, Ross. You were totally obsessed with me!" Capron awkwardly sits back down on the couch. He wasn't expecting them to get so upset over a comment he made about them being the bestest of friends. "You'd call me all the time asking if I wanted to be picked up and go to the beach or get food." He points at her.

"That's just because I just got my license and was excited about driving. And, by the way, you were the one who always wanted to hang out with me in our set rooms. Oh, Ross. I'm bored, can I come watch you play guitar? Ross, come to my dressing room! I'm lonely. Ross! Tell me a joke!" He mimics her voice. She holds back a smile.

"Oh my gosh, you two. You're scaring Capron." Rydel announces as she walks back to the main lounge. Super is in her arms now, all smiley and sleepy. "Babe, they bicker. A lot. I thought they'd grow out of it considering they're almost wenty six, but I guess not." Capron relaxes. "They only do it to make the rest of us uncomfortable."

"It fucking worked." Capron mumbles, slightly laughing.

"They are insane, Capron. There were so many times I just wanted to slap them silly when they were teenagers." Stormie comments. "I'm glad the besties haven't changed too much." Stormie grins once more and pats the spot beside her on the couch for Laura to come sit. She gladly takes the seat beside Stormie and Ross lets out a quiet sigh, sitting beside Laura.

"Okay, Supes." Rydel says, walking towards the couches. Super's eyes are already on Laura. "Ooo, she's new, huh?" Rydel questions, smiling at her son. Super turns his head to look at his mom and within a second he's smiling. "You wanna meet Auntie Laura?" Laura's hands immediately go to her chest as she looks up at Rydel in aw.

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