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Before I get into this chapter, I wanna give a HUGE shoutout to lovinraura_ and her amazing new book that she's poured her heart and soul into. It's called Tesoro and it's an "alternate universe" story, meaning Ross and Laura are still Ross and Laura, but they are not famous. They are simply "regular" humans doing "regular" human things. I absolutely LOVE what she's put out so far. It's fresh, it's new, it's a twist on typical Raura stories. Go give it a read and show her some love ❤️

On a DIFFERENT note, this chapter is full of R&L showing their family their song. I'm planning on not putting all the lyrics in this song due to the fact I have live performances planned for these two and am choosing to showcase those in their full glory, so part of this chapter will have some of the song. When it comes time to it, all words in italics are Ross' vocals. All words in underline are Laura's vocals. And when it's underlined and italics it's both of them. I probably don't explain it good enough in the chapter when it shows up, so here is me explaining it now! Now you may begin the chapter ❤️❤️

Our Song | 20

Two Days Later
March 11th, 2022

Ross looks around the front room for a moment, trying to find his mom and dads good portable speaker. Giving up, he walks to the back door and peaks his head out. His mom, Mamoo, and Laura are sitting down on the patio chairs with Super in Mamoo's lap. The bunnies are in their outdoor gated play pen and the dogs are snoozing on their pillows by the human's feet.

Ross and Laura decided that today was the day they'd show Ross' family the song. Right now it's only Stormie and Mamoo (and Super), so they get the first listen. Tonight is a family barbecue (cousins and all) so during the barbecue will be the rest of Ross' family. Laura planned a dinner with her family tomorrow and that's when Ross and Laura will show her parents and Vanessa.

"Mama?" Ross asks. "Where's your good speaker? I wanted to show you what we've been working on."

Laura's eyes widen at his use of we've. Ross gives her an assuring look, knowing that Stormie will take we've as himself and Rocky. Most definitely not himself and Laura.

"Ooo, yay!" Stormie exclaims, already exited to hear her boys' new music. She loves getting the sneak peaks. "Check the pink bedroom. Your dad used it to listen to music when he installed some shelves."

Ross gives her a thumbs up and heads back for his search.

"I'm so glad you two decided to come over early." Stormie says, looking at Laura. "And Super is happy, too." Super lets out an excited babble at his name. "Yes you are!" She leans over to Mamoo and kisses Super's cheek. Since before the the European tour, Laura's been invited to lots of Lynch family gatherings. She's attended almost all of them, too. So being around Stormie with Ross without everyone else, isn't too out of the ordinary as of lately.

"Found it." Ross says, returning outside with the speaker raised in the air. "Okay, mom and Mamoo." Ross takes a seat beside Laura. "This song is a lil different than what you're used to." Ross' phone is already connected to the speaker and since she wants to record his mom and Mamoo's reaction, he reaches for Laura's phone.

"Different?" Stormie asks with a smile.

"We decided to do more of a pop sound on this one." Again with Ross' use of we.

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