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Our Song | 4

A Few Days Later
October 11th, 2021

Can I just say it's nice to be in bed before 11:00?
I haven't gone to bed this early in while

Damn you're such an old lady

Haha make fun of the granny, it's fine. How was
your day? Productive like you hoped for?

Yea. We picked the songs we want to perform
off the new album for tour. Rocky and I finalized
interviews for next week after the album releases.
We pushed back hockey to tomorrow instead.
Everyone woke up too late today

Well your day sounded more fun than mine 😭 all
I did was reply to emails, have two back to back
meetings, and spend three hours in the recording
booth only to scrap the whole thing afterwards
because I hated how it sounded

Gotta love when that happens with a song

Okay I can't keep my eyes open any longer. Sorry
to cut this short. I'll text you tomorrow?

Get some sleep, grandma. Text you tomorrow. Night


The Next Day
October 12th, 2021

"Hey, did you ever figure out if you could make it to the album party Thursday night?" Ross asks. Laura sucks in a breath and looks at him through her phone. "I know you have that modeling thingy you told me about, but it'd be really awesome if you could make it to the drive in." Laura nods.

"I know, I want to be there for you and your brother. You guys are flipping awesome and the album rocks, but I just don't know. I don't want to screw anything up and ask to leave early or anything." He sighs. "I walk at before seven, what time is your thing again?"

"Um, the actual album stuff doesn't start until nine, but we're showing a few things beforehand." Laura nods slowly.

"Okay... okay, I can probably make it before nine." She pauses. "Is it cool if I miss the stuff before the album drop?" She asks.

"Of course." He waves her off.

"Okay, cool. I think the fashion show is over around eight. I'm pretty sure the venue isn't far from where your drive in is at. So I should totally make it before nine o'clock." She tells him.

"Wait, really? You think you can make it?" She nods confidentially.

"Yeah, I'm gonna try. I might be a few minutes late, but I have heard all the songs already so it won't be that big of a deal." Ross rolls his eyes.

"Hey, there will be cool visuals you'll miss. Riker worked hard on them." Laura raises her eyebrows.

"If I miss anything you can just show me later." She shrugs. He hums. He definitely would that.

"Totally. But uh, don't feel like you need to rush or put pressure on yourself. Your fashion show is important to you and an awesome opportunity to showcase your model walk." Laura rolls her eyes. "If you're running late or too tired to come, that's fine. I can show you everything another day. I don't want you to think I'll be mad at you for not coming." Laura's face softens.

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