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Our Song | 13

Almost Two Weeks Later
December 6th, 2021

"Ross, why are you calling so late?" Laura asks, rubbing her eye with her free hand. Ross' face is lighting up all different colors on her phone screen. Luckily, her volume is down low enough that the loud music coming from his end of the phone isn't piercing her ears. He's clearly in a club, which makes more sense on why his face is lighting up different colors. Ross starts shouting, but the music is too loud that his phone comes out muffled and she furrows her eyebrows. She motions to him that she can't hear him. He looks distraught and that only worries her. Finally, she swipes up and sends him a text while still looking at his face.

Dude I can't hear a single thing you're saying you're
literally in a club with music blasting. Step outside

She watches as he gets the message and he nods, giving her a thumbs up. She watches as blurs of colors go across her screen as he heads for the main doors. The music begins to die down a few seconds after the bright colors stop and then there's darkness, the sound of muffled base and Ross' footsteps. He steps outside and brings the phone to his face. His face look even more distraught than before.

"I'm freaking out, man." He says, looking at her. Laura quickly sits up in bed and turns on her beside lamp so he can see her clearly.

"Why are you freaking out?" She asks calmly, hoping her calmness would calm him down. He looks around panicked before running his fingers through his hair.

"I'm at a club here in Florida," She already gathered that information based on everything in the past few minutes she just watched on her phone screen. "and all of a sudden, Can't Take My Eyes Off You starts playing." Laura furrows her eyebrows. Why would a song by Frankie Valli upset him? "and you know, I would have been fine with it playing. It's okay that it's our song, you know? It's fine." It's clear he's tipsy, she can tell by his jumbled and slightly slurred words. "But then I turn the corner and I swear, like I do a double take sorta swear, that I saw her. Same build, same height, same curly hair, same beautiful brown skin, like to a T, it's her. And then I start to panic." He still has yet to make eye contact with Laura through the phone. Instead, he's frantically looking around his surroundings outside.

"It's not her, thank god, but now all I can think about is going up to her bad making a move because god dammit is our song and I..." He can't even finish the sentence. But that's okay, Laura can fill in the blank on her own. He misses her and wants to make tonight feel like they're together again. The amount of times she's felt this way towards Thom? It's bound to happen once or twice given how heartbreaking their breakups were.

"Hey, look at me, Ross." He glances at his phone screen for a second, but only a second. "Ross." He lets out a strained sigh before actually looking at her face. "Take a second to breathe, okay?" She says softly. He nods his head and looks away, visibly showing her his deep breathes by opening his mouth and puffing out air. "Like you said, it's not her. It's not her." she shrugs. "So you can relax." He nods again. "Now, I can't tell you what to do with wanting to make a move on this girl, because this is your life and you're in control. But, what I can say is that sleeping with someone who looks like her... won't be the same as actually sleeping with her." He lets out a loud and exhausted sigh as he throws his head back.

"Fuck!" He shouts, causing Laura to jump. "I love that song." He mumbles, looking back at Laura. "I want to be at the point where hearing it makes me smile, where I remember the good without physically missing her." He kicks a rock on the sidewalk before sitting down on the curb.

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