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Ahhhhh first chapter!!! I'm so excited for you all to read it! As usual, my first chapters are always a bit choppy and hectic, but I promise it gets better as time goes on. Now enjoy the first chapter :)

Our Song | 1

September 26th, 2021

Laura places her iPad up against the vase on her kitchen table, waiting for the group FaceTime call to connect. Honestly, she isn't expecting all of them to answer. She's expecting at least one of them to be busy. One of them is always busy which makes getting together hard. But it's been well over a year (thank you covid) since she's seen these beautiful people in person (they've actually been texting more within this past year than they have in a long time) and she's ready to hug each of them and spend quality time with them. Between the world going to shit and her pretty recent breakup with a man she thought she was going to be with for the rest of her life, her mental health has been horrible.

As usual, Raini is the first to answer. Laura grins and waves. Raini's currently sitting on her couch with her little brother, Rico, beside her reading a book. Calum is next to asnwer; he's wearing his glasses and sitting outside on his balcony. Celeste, his girlfriend, is making them dinner inside.

"Let's see if the stubborn one will asnwer." Laura teases, referring to Ross. He's the one she believes will be busy.

"He's probably not going to. It's Sunday, he's most likely at his parents." Calum reminds her. As soon as he finishes his sentence, Ross' face pops up on the screen. He's in his parents backyard on one of the cream colored lay down chairs, his mom beside him in view with Super in her arms.

"Ahh! Not only did he answer but he has the baby!" Laura cheers, putting her arms in the air. Laura. "Oh my gosh, he's so flipping cute." She gushes. "And Stormie, you look as beautiful as ever."

"Oh my stars, thank you! I can say the same thing about you, Miss I just put out a hit song!" Stormie replies. Laura's cheeks heat up. She did just release a song called I Wanna Know What It's Like on Friday, which has overall helped with her shitty mental health. But that feeling only lasts for so long before things start to die down. "I love your song, missy. Very catchy."

"Thank you." Laura says. There's a quick conversation between everyone congratulating her on her single, but once it's done Raini speaks up.

"Super looks just like Rydel." Raini says, leaning in closer to her phone. Ross smiles and brings his phone closer to Super and his cuteness. "Ah, those blue eyes are gorgeous!"

"He's a cutie." Ross comments, catching a Super giggle.

"The cutest baby ever! Yes he is!" Stormie gushes, pinching his cheek. Super smiles up at Stormie. Off camera, Ross smiles at his nephew right before sitting up straight and bringing the view back to himself.

"What's up?" Ross asks, fixing his hat. He sucks in a breath at his messy hair. He was too lazy to brush it out today or style it, so he decided it was a hat kind of day. Laura gives them a slightly nervous closed mouth smile and pushes her glasses up her nose a little.

"Everyone's vaccinated, right?" She starts off. All three of them nod. "Yes, cool, just wanted to make sure." She felt silly feeling this awkward about asking to hang out. Maybe because it's been so long because of the pandemic? I mean, they've all been texting more frequently as a group since the pandemic hit, so why is she nervous? "I was hoping you guys would want to meet up, in person?" She asks. "I know you, Ross, have tour soon and would love to meet up before you leave. I miss your beautiful faces and your hugs and your laughs and it's been waaaayy too long since we've all been in the same room together." They did plan to meet up back in March of 2020, but that's when COVID got huge and everyone was on lockdown, so obviously that failed. Since then the world hasn't been safe enough to hang out, but COVID is slowly fading, it's safer now.

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