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Our Song | 3

A Week Later
October 7th, 2021

Laura nervously taps her nails against the counter top as she debates on whether to FaceTime Ross and ask for his help, or sit back and feel helpless. Going from having a guitar playing boyfriend who'd help write songs with you to having only your piano playing self is hard. Laura can't seem to figure out her online guitar making sound machine (mostly due to her un-technological self) and trying to figure out a solid melody for her newest song isn't easy. Not to mention it's nearing 11 at night and she doesn't even know if he's awake or not busy or... or doesn't want to help?

Fuck it.

She taps his contact and presses the FaceTime button on her iPad. She could use her iPhone, but her iPad has a bigger screen and has a pretty full battery, her phone does not. She watches as it rings and she bites her cheek. Please answer please answer please answer, she repeats over and over again in her head. A sigh of relief leaves her when she sees the word connecting on her screen. Within seconds, Ross' face appears on her iPad. The lighting is purple, his hair is wet with a hood on, and he's stuffing his face with cereal. He's in his garage studio working on his own music.

"Hey." He says with a small head nod. She gives him a smile.

"Hi. Are you busy?" She asks, noticing the music equipment behind him. Of course he'd be working on his own music, he's a talented musician. She's starting to think calling him was a bad idea. Ross shrugs.

"Nah, just messing around with some shit and listening to the songs on our album." He tells her. Laura closes her eyes.

"Right, your album comes out next week." She mumbles, scrunches up her nose. "Are you sure you're not busy? I can call someone else if you are." He furrows his eyebrows.

"Laura, you haven't even told me why you called." Her eyes widen the slightest. "I'm not busy, I swear. I literally just got out of the shower, both my brothers are gone, and I don't even have the dog. I'm bored, alone, and not busy. Why did you call?" She sighs.

"I'm struggling with this melody I've been working on." She admits. "I have a solid piano line I like, but I don't know if it's going to mesh well with the guitar or bass line I'm thinking of. I can't figure out this online whatever shit this is that has those programmed guitar chords down that I can't change or mess around with. Thom used to help me, he was great on guitar, but obviously I don't have his talents anymore and I'm... I'm frustrated." She frowns. He waits a for moment before speaking up, wondering if she's going to continue her ramble or not.

"Are you asking for my help?" He questions. She gives him a guilty smile. Chuckling, Ross sets his almost empty bowl of cereal down on the table. "Let me grab my guitar." In his computer chair he rolls out of frame to pick up his guitar. He rolls back to the desk with his guitar in lap. He leans in and takes another bite of his cereal. "What can I help with?" He asks. Laura lets her body relax as he leans against the table, her head falling into her hands.

"You... you are my saving grace, Ross." She looks at him through the screen. "Thank you for this. I really really appreciate it. If you want, I can uh, I can give you credit on this song if I ever release it-" He cuts her off with a small laugh.

"I don't need credit." He tells her. She frowns.

"I can Venmo you twenty dollars?" She asks. "Yeah, that sounds reasonable. What's your Venmo? Do you even have a Venmo?" She scrambles to grab her phone.

"I don't-" She doesn't let Ross finish. She's already opening the Venmo app.

"Is it your name? Or did you change it to a weird name so people wouldn't find it." Her Venmo name isn't her actual name. She doesn't want people figuring it out because she knows there will be that one person who will Venmo her money for the heck of it or request her money for the heck of it.

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