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Our Song | 27

The Next Day
April 25th, 2022

To kick off their week of promo and press for Our Song, the did an interview with Seventeen for their YouTube channel. It wasn't anything crazy, they were just answering questions out of a jar. Nothing dramatic happened. No questions about dating rumors. It was wonderful.

The second stop of the day, and final, is the Zach Sang Show, which both of them have been on before. Zach is a stand up guy, he's honest and doesn't care what he asks his guests, and more times than not the guests don't care either because of how laid back the whole thing is. That's why when Zach starts stepping into the Raura topic, Ross and Laura don't even flinch or react.

"You know," Zach starts. They've already talked about how Our Song was created, they've talked about tours, they've talked about past projects, they're already about a half hour into the whole thing. "I've interviewed you guys before, not together. Separately. And I've always known you guys have been friends. I mean, obviously you guys did a hit Disney show together. But can I just say, seeing you two together, it's clear to me that you're close. Your conversations are so smooth. You guys don't miss a beat." He explains.

Ross can't help but laugh softly and scratch his chin before looking at Laura. She can take the floor for this one.

"That's actually such a nice compliment, Zach." She says, trying not to look over at Ross. The heat in her cheeks will only increase if she glances at him. "I think we've always just kinda... clicked in a sense. Our personalities mesh well, even though they aren't the same. We definitely have our differences, but even our bickering is witty. If that makes sense."

"We do bicker." Ross agrees. "Our families would come on set of Austin and Ally with us, and for years they would tease us about our bickering. It got to the point where we'd try to one up each other in front of our families and crew, just to see how uncomfortable we could make them."

"Did it work?" Zach asks.

"Oh, one hundred percent." Laura laughs.

"We had some epic times." Ross nods.

"When did you guys first meet?" Zach asks.

"Uh... we were both fifteen, I think? Maybe fourteen? It's around there." Laura nods. "And gosh, we're twenty six now. We've gone through some pretty major stages in life together." Laura concludes.

Zach takes this opportunity to touch on the Raura topic. "Okay, I have a question." He clears his throat. "Was there ever a time in your friendship where you wanted to be something more?"

Ross and Laura both take a moment to process this. Do they want to just come out and admit it?

"What do you think?" Ross asks, looking at Laura. "Time to come clean?" He raises his eyebrows at her.

"I guess. It's been awhile." She shrugs.

Ross turns back towards Zach. "This won't really come as a surprise... most fans already suspected it back in the day. But yes, there was a point in our friendship where we both wanted to be something more." Ross explains.

Laura jumps in. "We never made it to that point back then. Which is pretty impressive since the time span of it was what, a couple years?" Laura asks Ross for clarification.

He decides to tease her. "It was a couple years for me, yeah. Not sure if it was for you." He makes sure to give her a cheeky grin.

She rolls her eyes and looks over at Zach. His face is full of surprise.

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