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Hey! It's been a bit :) glad you stuck around with my horrible updating schedule. Need a refresher? Okay!
Tde just started tour. R&L continue to text and FaceTime. L convinces R to try out makeup on tour. And R and Ry invited Laura to their show in NY in a few days.
Okay, that's all. Happy reading!

Our Song| 9

The Next Morning
November 21st, 2021

"How was your nap?" Stormie asks Ross. He gives her a thumbs up before sitting beside her and resting his head on her shoulder. Even though he got to sleep a majority of his night in a queen sized hotel bed instead of a twin bus bunk, he didn't sleep very well. He was awake all night planning on how to tell his family about Laura coming to the New York show and preparing himself for how his family will react at the news of him talking to her pretty much everyday. So, once he stepped onto the bus at 7:00am sharp, he went straight to his bunk. It's now noon and everyone's lounging around in the living area. "Aw, my cuddleyf bug still tired?" She asks him. Ross smiles and closes his eyes.

"I just need a few more minutes." He says. He definitely needs a few minutes to prepare himself for what's about to happen. He listens as Rocky and Riker continue typing away at their laptops. Their sitting at the small table area answering emails and planning for the next show together. He watches as Rydel preps Super's baby food (who's currently bounce around in Ryland's lap). After taking a deep breath, he takes his head off his moms shoulder and sits up straight. Ryland glances at his brother, sensing he isn't sure how to go about this conversation.

"Hey, guess who Ross talked to last night." Ross snaps his head over to Ryland. It honestly saved him from having to start the awkward conversation (something he still wasn't sure on how to start), so he shoots him a small smile. Ryland goes him a single head nod in return.

"Jaz?" Rydel questions. Ross' eyes now go to his sister as he jerks his head back. Jaz? Really?

"Um, no. Not her." He shakes his head. "I haven't talked to her since the break up." Rocky glances up from his laptop and first eyes Ryland for a split second before looking at Ross.

"Did she not text you about the album?" Ross scratches his leg. So now he knows Ryland didn't blab his mouth and tell everyone Jaz sent the mind fucking text.

"Oh." Ross starts. "She did, yeah. But I didn't respond to it. That sentence she sent you and Ryland somehow turned into a paragraph where she ended it with an I miss you and a heart. I decided to delete it and move on with my life." Everybody's focus goes to Ross. Even Super who has stopped bouncing in Ry's lap.

"That's not very nice, Ross Shor." Stormie tells him with a frown. Ross rolls his eyes.

"And that is the exact reason why I don't talk to you guys about the breakup." He starts. "No, it wasn't very nice of her, mom. In fact, it pissed me off and I couldn't think straight. It took a long conversation with Laura, who by the way is the person I talked to last night, to realize I didn't need to respond." Okay, so he wasn't intentionally trying to bring up Laura right now, but it felt like a good time to. He now realizes everyone's too into the breakup to even acknowledge Laura.

"The album came out a month ago. You're just now telling us this?" Rydel asks. She absolutely loved Jaz, and misses her, but hearing that she sent him a text that messed with his head so much he couldn't talk to family about it? That kind of hurts.

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