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Our Song | 12

Same Day
November 24th, 2021

"Hey, you never told me what you brought me." Ross says, gently nudging Laura as they walk through Central Park. After soundcheck, Ross asked if anyone was up for a walk before the show. Him and Laura were going to go regardless if anyone else wanted to, but it was nice that Ry and Rocky wanted to come along. Having Laura here felt natural for not only Ross, but everyone else, too. No one has acted differently, everyone's treating her like they always have. It's... comforting, in a way.

"I've been thinking." Laura starts, lacing her fingers together. "My birthday is in five days, shouldn't you be giving me something?" Ross' cheeks turn pink. He knows she's teasing, he can tell by her tone, but it doesn't mean he didn't think about it. He actually bought her something in Boston a few days ago, the day after he invited her to the show. It's nothing too crazy or too expensive, just a little something that should put a smile on her face.

"Well maybe I did buy you something." He admits. He as going to give it to her when they got back from their walk anyway. Her eyebrows shoot up and she puts her arm in front of Ross, stopping him in his tracks.

"I was kidding." He says, looking up at him. Rocky and Ryland notice the two stopped and quickly turn around to come back to them. They made a rule to not get separated since they only have an hour-ish until they need to get back.

"I wasn't." He shrugs. "What'd you get me?" He asks. She narrows her eyes at him.

"What'd you get me?" She asks in the same tone as him.

"No, we aren't playing this game." He says with an eye roll.

"Then tell me!" She whines, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"What the fuck is going on back here?" Rocky asks, joining in on the conversation. Laura looks at him with an unamused face.

"Your brother just told me he got me a birthday present and won't tell me what it is." Both Rocky and Ryland look at their brother in surprise.

"You did?" Ryland asks.

"I mean, aren't birthday presents supposed to be a surprise?" Rocky says at the exact same time as Ryland.

"Exactly!" Ross exclaims, throwing his arms in the air. "It's a surprise. A small surprise. Still a surprise, nonetheless. Stop trying to ruin it." She pouts out her bottom lip. "Oh my gosh, lady. I'll give it to you once we get back, I promise." A happy smile appears on her face.

"We'll exchange then. You need yours before the show, anyway." She tells him. She starts walking away. The brothers all give each other a look before following after her.

"So, it's something that can be used for the show?" Ross asks, falling into step beside her. She shrugs.

"Maybe." He furrows his eyebrows.

"You know, I really hate you sometimes. You kinda piss me off a lot." She looks at him and grins.

"Yeah, but I figured it's only fair for me to piss you off since you piss me of a lot, too. Pretty sure you piss me off more than I piss you off." He thinks about that for a moment. He definitely pissed her off more back when they were teens. Now? They haven't really hung out this much since their teenage years, so he wasn't quite sure what she said was true now.

"Debatable." He shrugs. 

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