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Our Song | 23

Three Days Later
April 1st, 2022

This morning Ross and Laura posted the first official teaser for Our Song. Except, because they planned it on April Fools Day, the media is going crazy. Which was part of the appeal of doing it on a national pull pranks and jokes day.

The teaser was simple. It was a brief 15 second video of black and white snippets from the music video along with guitar in the background. The snippets are so quick and dark with flashing transitions that you can't really make out who's in the video or what they're doing in the video. Their captions were simple:


They didn't tag each other. They didn't hashtag the title of the song. They didn't even acknowledge anything. No likes on the comments, no replies, nothing on their stories. They simply wanted to mess with their fans. And they plan to until their next teaser that they'll post next Friday.

Now, the two of them are at their own homes in their own bedrooms, FaceTiming while reading through comments on their posts.

"This has got to be a mother fucking prank, right?" Laura reads aloud.

"April fools, bitches. Ross and Laura just enjoy messing with our broken hearts." Ross reads aloud.

"Why have they been radio silent since posting this? It's either a sign it's legit or it's fake. No in between."

"Mommy and daddy are back together."

Laura scrunches up her nose at that one. "Ross, don't read aloud the uncomfortable ones."

He chuckles. "Dude, that's not even uncomfortable. The ones I'm purposely not saying are ten times worse than that. Mommy and daddy are cute, Laura."

"Noooo." She whines, shaking her head. "Don't say it out load."

Ross ignores her."This better be a preview of a sexy music video with hot wet kisses shared between the two of them." He searches for a dirtier one. "I need the Austin and Ally rated R version where Ross' bare ass is full screen."

"Stop." She can't help the laugh that escapes her.

"Laura Marano and Ross Lynch? I need some Raura smut in this if it's legit."

Laura's cheeks turn pink. "Ross I'm seriously about to hang up on you! Is that last one even real or are you just messing with me?"

He laughs and screenshots it before texting it to her.

"Gross! I don't want this on my phone!" She shivers and immediately deletes the screenshot from their message chain.

At this point Ross is hysterically laughing because he screenshots an even grosser one and sends it to her.

"Ross Shor Lynch, stop!" Her entire face is red, along with heat radiating everywhere on her body. "Send me another one and I'm hanging up on you, I'm not kidding this time."

"Okay okay, I'll stop sending them to you." He still can't help but keep laughing to himself.

"Shouldn't you be going to bed soon?" She mumbles. She knows he has an early morning hockey game with his brothers and friends.

"Nah, I'm having too much fun reading these dirty comments."

One Week Later
April 8th, 2022

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