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Our Song | 14

Two Weeks Later
December 18th, 2021

"Hey, L.A. boy!" Laura cheers into her phone. "How's it feel to be back in town?" They aren't FaceTiming right now, Laura's currently walking through the halls of a recording studio in Malibu where she booked up her weekend full of songwriting sessions with other writers so she can't tell if he's relieved to be back or sad. Ross sucks in a breath.

"I don't know. How's it feel to not be coming to either of my L.A. shows?" He responds. Laura frowns.

"That's not fair." She pouts out her lip. "I've had these writing sessions booked for months." She hears him laugh softly.

"I know I know, I'm only teasing you." He admits. "Being back feels bittersweet, honestly." He shrugs. "I missed sleeping in my own space but I also want to stay on tour forever. Good news is is that it's only for a few weeks and then the European leg kicks in. Europe is insane, Laura." She smiles.

"I can only imagine." She sighs dreamily. She really wants to tour.

"Hey, a European tour is in your future, I promise." He tells her.

"It is. Someday." She confirms. "Until then I'll have to live through you. Anyway, I have a few minutes before I need to meet with my next session. How was San Francisco last night?"

"Awesome. I whipped out a backflip on stage. Haven't done that in awhile." Laura's eyes widen.

"Seriously?" She asks. "Wow, you're crazy. I bet the fans loved it." He chuckles.

"Pretty sure they were screaming, yeah." He nods. "I will admit, I'm bummed you can make it to either of these next two shows. Im glad you got to see the New York one, though." Laura sighs.

"I would have liked to see one more." She shrugs. "But I can't cancel on the last session tomorrow. I'm really excited about it."

"No no, I'm not wanting you to cancel. I'm excited for you to be over there writing your little heart out. You'll have to show me what you came up with the next time we get together." He explains.

"I will!" She hears muffled voices on the other side for a moment.

"Yeah yeah, I'll be out in a minute." She hears Ross say. There's another muffled voice. "Laura, I gotta go. We're on our way to the ice rink to get a game in before soundcheck." Ross tells her. He hasn't played a hockey game in so long, the whole family is having withdrawals.

"Ooo, have fun! Make sure your team wins." He rolls his eyes.

"Always. Talk to you later, lady." She smiles.

"Good luck at your show tonight, too!" She quickly says.

"Thanks. Bye, Laura."

"Bye, Ross." Laura hangs up first. She slides her phone into her purse and heads to the room where her next session is.

The Next Day
December 19th, 2021

Laura glances at the clock on her dash and nervously taps her steering wheel. Her last writing session of the day did end up getting canceled, but not by her end. The duo she was supposed to be writing with had a cancelation of a flight. As in, one half of the duo is currently stuck in New York where his flight got snowed in. So instead of only writing with half the duo, they rescheduled for the new year leaving Laura just enough time to drive to L.A. and make The Driver Era show. The only bad part? She's stuck in traffic and the opening band start fifteen minutes ago. She's hoping to get there before Ross comes on.

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