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Our Song | 31

A Couple Days Later
May 13th, 2022

"How was the first show?" Laura asks, smiling at Ross' happy face. He's glowing through the screen. Could be his fresh out of the shower look, but Laura is certain it's his I just played the first show look.

"Fucking fantastic, Laura." He falls back into the pillows on his hotel room bed. "Ryland's right beside me so don't say anything dirty, alright?" He pans the phone to Ry. He's very happy the hotel has free wifi.

"Hi, Ry. I'll keep the talk PG, I promise." Laura laughs out. "Tell me all about it!"

For a while she listens as Ross explains the show in detail. The smiles on their faces match each other. And while it only has been two days and they miss each other, Laura doesn't feel so alone. In fact, she's... content. Maybe because modern day technology is so easy to keep in touch with loved ones.

"I'll look through videos on Instagram and Twitter tomorrow." Laura promises. "Maybe I'll like one of them, just to mess with everyone." P

Ross chuckles. "I dare you."

"Nah, I won't do that yet. Maybe on your summer tour I will."

"Or just start by commenting on one of my posts..."

"I've commented on your posts before. Maybe you should comment on one of mine."

Ross thinks about it for a moment. "I honestly don't think it'd be suspicious anymore. We wrote a song together, Laura."

Laura laughs lightly. "I think you're right." She agrees. "Unless it's a flirty comment?"

"You two are so fucking lame." Ryland comments in the background.

Laura watches as Ross moves his arm, most likely pushing his brother. Her assumption is proven true when she hears a big thump in the background and a groan. "Did you just push your brother off the bed?"

"Yes. And he deserved it." Ross nods.

"Fuck you!" Ryland shouts.

It happens quickly. One second Laura is staring at her cute boyfriend and the next she's face to face with his little brother.

"Give it back, Ry!"

"Laura, he's being aggressive. He just shoved my ass to the floor." Ryland complains.

Laura tried to hold back a smile. "I'm sorry, Ryland. He definitely should have handled that better." She agrees.


"I didn't mean you two are lame in a bad way. It's fucking funny that you're contemplating commenting on each others posts. Anything either of you do to each others anything, blows up."

Ross jumps onto his brothers back, trying to reach for his phone.

Ryland holds it out of reach. "I love the idea of you two fucking with your fans, but I don't think liking each others pictures are going to cut it. You've been doing that for months. Maybe throw in some fire emojis-stop! Ow, Ross! That's my hair!"

The screen goes blurry as the boys fight over it.

"Ryland Michael!" Ross grunts, almost fully getting his phone.

"Ross Shor!" Ryland shouts back. "Do some fire emojis and hearts or some shit!"

The phone falls to the ground and Laura gets a great view of the boys' bare legs. Both of them are only in their underwear. Ross is still on his brothers back, although he seems to be slipping.

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