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Quick lil authors note to throw out there. The song they create is a real song sung by other artists. However, I wanted this process to seem.. more real than just having a song handed to them. So when they're writing lyrics, I'm tweaking the real song lyrics so we can see how it progresses. So don't go commenting I'm writing the wrong lyrics because I KNOW. It's on purpose hehe. I also know NOTHING about song writing, musical chord names, anything. So it won't be extremely detailed or anything. You're warmed!!

Our Song | 18

4 Weeks Later
February 22nd, 2022

"Dude, you realize I can feel your eyes on me, right?" Ross asks, not looking away from the tv screen. Ross and Laura are currently relaxing on Laura's couch watching Spider-Man 2, having watched the first over the weekend (with Tobey Maguire). Last weeks they decided they'd sit down and watch every single Spider-Man movie. There's eight total between all three different Spider-Man's, they're only on two out of the eight.

"Liar." She mumbles turning her attention back on the movie.

Ross laughs quietly. "Is there a reason?" He asks.

She crosses her arms in front of her chest and lets out a sigh.

"Oh boy." Ross mumbles under his breath and reaches for the tv remote. He lets out his out sigh and pauses the movie.

"We haven't started writing our song yet." She says quietly.

He throws his head back against the couch. "I've been home from tour for a week. I told you I wanted to relax a little bit before jumping into new music." He re-explains to her.

She looks back at him. "I just thought we would've started by now." She shrugs. "The note in  my phone is just burning a hole on my phone."

Ross rolls his eyes at her dramatic-ness. "Laura, it's only February. I have the South American tour mid-May and the summer tour doesn't start until August." He reminds her. "And your first tour is mid-July. We've got time."

Laura's first ever tour is coming up and she couldn't be more excited. She hasn't announced it yet, but she is in a week on the first of March. "Ross, we don't have a lot of time. It could take a month to write the damn song. Then even longer to get it out in the world and book interviews and live performances, we want to try for those don't we?" She questions. "It's nearly March, giving us a month before your South American shows."

"I'm only gone for a little over a week for those." He adds.

She bites the inside of her cheek. "When the end of May hits I'll be starting rehearsals for tour and you'll be busy probably planning for the summer tour and rehearsing. I mean, Rydel won't be able to do the summer tour so you're gonna have to rehearse with someone new-"

Ross puts a hand on her leg, the closest thing to him on the couch. "Okay." He says softly, trying to get her to take a breath.

She stares at him. "Okay?" She questions. "Okay what?"

"Okay, let's start."

Her eyes widen. "Right now?" She asks, knowing its already past ten o'clock at night.

He laughs. "Yes!" He shakes her leg. "You're right, we don't know how long it'll take to make this thing. But I do know we don't have to wait months to put it out into the world once it's done. We're in charge of our own careers, we can release it whenever." He shrugs. "And I don't want you going into your first ever tour stressed over the fact we didn't finish a song. So yes, let's start right now."

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