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Our Song | 26

A Few Days Later
April 24th, 2022

"I can feel you staring at me." Ross says, keeping his eyes on his laptop.

Laura tries to hide her smile. But she fails miserably. She hasn't stopped smiling since New York.

"I haven't responded to emails in a week and hour staring eyes are distracting me." He tells her.

"But you're too cute not to stare at." She states.

Ross finally glances up from his laptop. He's sitting in the corner of Laura's sectional couch, responding to business emails he's neglected for more than a week. "Laura."

She's sitting with her back against the arm rest of the couch, her feet close to Ross' hip. She's had the perfect view of his profile for the last hour. "Ross."

He lets out a sigh. The last few days have been wonderful. They've done nothing but cuddle, kiss, watch movies, cook, and cuddle some more. They've barely kept up with texting their families. They haven't even told their families about their new relationship. They haven't even talked about how or when they want to tell their families and close friends. "We have to leave in a half hour and I still have fifteen emails I need to read through." He explains.

Laura holds the book she's been reading up in the air, shaking it a bit. "And I finished three chapters in my book."

He narrows his eyes at her. "Three chapters total or three more from the last time I called you out on staring at me." Which wasn't even a half hour ago.

Her smile turns into a guilty grin.

He throws his head back against the couch. "You're killing me." He complains. "Do I need to go into the other room?" He asks.

Her eyes widen. "No no, I'll be good now. Promise." She opens her book back up, trying to focus her attention on the words.

"I don't think I believe you." He mumbles, looking back at his emails. He gets through three before hearing Laura get up from the couch. This can't be good, he thinks. He turns his focus back on his screen.

"You thirsty?" Laura calls from the kitchen.

"No." He responds.

Laura frowns. "Hungry?" She asks.

"We'll be eating yummy food in less than a hour." He reminds her. "Read your book, Laura."

"Okay okay." She mumbles, heading back towards the couch. Instead of going to her spot, she leans up against the couch behind him.

"That is not your spot."

"I know." She grins. Laura leans down and wraps her arms around his shoulders. She leans forward now, her lips pressing a soft kiss against his scratchy jaw. He hasn't shaved since they've been back from New York and she loves the feeling of his prickly hair against her smooth skin. She trials kisses across his cheek, jawline, and even the corner of his mouth.

He shuts his laptop abruptly. "You kill me, woman." He murmurs, moving his laptop a few feet away from his body. He grunts before raising his arms and trying his hardest to grab her and pull her all the over the couch.

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