Panotti of the Opera (16)

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"Oh gosh! Are they at it again?" Ringo asked and Michael sighed.

"Don't be rude," he kissed his lover. "It's Floopy's first heat. Of course, they're going to be a little loud and rough."

The exorcist groaned and tried to cover his ears. It was three in the morning but the new couple seemed to have way too much energy. Already, it was the third day. How much stamina did Floopy and Syris have to be going at it continuously? It was insane even for the first heat! Ringo remembered that his first heat lasted five days but other than the first two days, he didn't need more than three climaxes to get his heat fully under control after the second day.

Watching his lover squirm unhappily at the noises coming from their neighbour, Michael thought of a fun way to pass the time.

"How about we get ourselves some action too? This way, we don't have to spend the entire night listening to them. Also, they're usually quiet around five in the morning so if you're ready for an all-nighter, we can..."

Ringo didn't need to hear the rest and pulled Michael in for a heated kiss. They parted with a string of saliva connecting them for a brief moment before Ringo looked at the vampire in the eye.

"Fuck me," he said and Michael obliged happily.

>>Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX<<

A week passed before Syris and Floopy finally made their debut as a mated and bonded couple. Amanda was pleased to see that the mark was still bleeding a little. It only showed how much Syris loved Floopy. The siren was normally very meek but for him to lose control so much and bite Floopy's nape so deeply that it would leave a very dark scar, it only spoke columns about their feelings. Floopy didn't look unhappy at all even if he winced a little too often whenever he had to look down or up.

"Congratulations," Amanda smiled after the papers were signed. "You are officially a recognised pair. Due to circumstances, you are not needed to send word back to your family. Enjoy the rest of your time in the Academy and don't forget to let me know if you want to make babies!"

Floopy turned red and Syris chuckled. The memory of Floopy wanting kids was still very fresh for the new mates. He thanked the principal and left with a huge smile on his face. They had Amanda's blessing and that meant a lot more for Syris than the blessing of the family that didn't want him.

"It wasn't so bad now, was it?" Syris asked and Floopy nodded.

"I thought that my new classmates would look at me strangely but they were rather welcoming. I am in the same class as Soubi, how much of a coincidence is this?"

Syris frowned. Ever since Ringo visited them after their heat ended, many things changed for the new mates. Firstly, Floopy looked a lot cuter than before. It had to do with Ringo's styling sense. His long and oversized ears were now neatly tied back with a soft silk ribbon, giving the illusion of twin tails. The boy had also somehow become prettier. His fur was shinier and his eyes bigger. It had to be the effects of the new omega hormones and while Syris liked how much cuter Floopy looked, he hated the attention his young lover was getting.

Bruce mentioned casually that more alphas were beginning to notice Floopy after he became an omega and Syris didn't believe it until Ruo Han gave Floopy another gift. Syris didn't know what got into him but he was so angry and unhappy when Floopy treated Ruo Han's gift like a treasure. He was so shocked at his childishness and didn't know that he was capable of such ugly jealousy until that point.

"Relax," Ruo Han told him. "It's merely a graduation gift from virginity. I didn't give him anything bad, just something useful for you when you want some fun times. Also, I made it personally so let me know the effects after you use it."

As it turned out, it was a noise-cancelling talisman. A certain exorcist was complaining about having very loud neighbours so the cultivator decided to offer some help.

All in all, Syris was very happy with his current dormitory life with Floopy. He didn't really allow the musician to do any chores because he didn't want those precious hands that wrote music scores to be hurt. He took care of their meals and even helped Floopy t study, something that Klick had mostly given up on.

Life went on as per normal and Floopy received a new request from Amanda demanding a new musical because she had finally grown bored of the last one that Syris performed.

Amanda: I watched it more than twenty times on the playback magical device and finally grew tired of it. Are you going to write me another romance play?

Floopy thought about it for a moment and glanced over to his boyfriend who was busy cooking. Already, he knew what the new musical was going to be about. With the title in mind, he composed his reply.

Floopy: Yes. I thought about the name too. How does "Panotti of the Opera" sound like? An ugly panotti who was chased away from his home gets taken in by a kind witch and falls in love with the witch's pet fish who had a wish to sing. Seeing that the panotti and the fish had a very strong bond, she made the fish a potion to turn into a human. The fish and panotti bonded over music and lived happily ever after with the witch.

"Is that the story about us?" Syris asked when Floopy mentioned it over dinner.

The composer nodded. "The last time we talked about your story. This time, it's mine. Is this too boring?"

Syris shook his head with a smile and kissed Floopy's head. "I'll be glad to help you out. Be sure to tell it proudly and don't leave any detail out. I want to know more about you, everything about you and possibly even more than you know about yourself. Let's spend the rest of our lives like the characters in Panotti of the Opera."

"I would love to."

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