Positions (3)

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It has been two weeks since Wilson was assigned to his new room to act as Carlos' watcher. It was fun watching how the cheetah thought he could outsmart him and throw Wilson off his tail. However, Wilson didn't mind the chase. Carlos' idiocy knew no boundaries, and when pushed to the limits, he never failed to impress Wilson with his creativity.

"You're finally back!" Carlos hissed when Wilson entered the room. It was a long day, and the lone wolf just returned from his club activities.

The wolf alpha looked over at Carlos calmly. He heard that Carlos was called to see Preeta but the stigma on Carlos' forearm wasn't darker than before. Did Preeta let him off the hook for this offence?

"You!" Carlos stood up haughtily and pointed at Wilson. "I'm so sick and tired of your attitude! Let's settle this once and for all with a competition!"

Ah, so this was what it was about. Wilson was wondering why nothing much happened today. Normally, he would get tipped off about Carlos' activities. It was unusual for the cheetah to be cooped up in the room so early without trying something funny. His pick up methods were predictable, so when the lunch ladies informed Wilson that Carlos didn't appear in the cafeteria all day, he was slightly puzzled.

"Alright," Wilson agreed in a heartbeat, startling Carlos a little. "I'm sick of you breaking all the rules under my watch anyway. How do we settle this?"

Originally, Carlos thought that he would need to egg Wilson on a little more to get the prideful wolf to land in his trap. Wilson's willingness to go along with his plan gave Carlos the creeps. When their eyes met, Carlos swallowed. His watcher couldn't have seen through his plan, right?

"Seeing how you've spoiled my fun for the past few weeks, let's compete in sexual stamina. The loser has to listen to a winner for a week!"

Wilson raised a brow. Sexual stamina? For someone who was blue-balled for the longest time, Carlos was talking about some very funny ideas.

When he was met with silence, Carlos felt his cheek heat up. There it was again - the judging stare. Instead of feeling insulted, Carlos felt strangely self-conscious. Do all wolves have such piercing stares? It made Carlos feel vulnerable, but the cheetah couldn't pull his gaze away. Looking away was akin to admitting defeat. This time, he couldn't step down from the challenge he issued. If he did, there was no telling what Wilson would do to him in the future. Besides, he had confidence in his ability to hold out.

"What?" Carlos smirked in a taunting manner. "Too afraid to lose? Or could it be another reason why you won't accept my challenge? Perhaps, you're impotent?"

That line struck a nerve, and Carlos shuddered when Wilson gave him an evil smirk. Maybe he shouldn't have gone through with this idea. Preeta must have seen this coming a mile away when she suggested it, curse that old witch!

With no way to back out, Carlos froze on the bed. Every step Wilson took towards him felt like a year of his life lost. The cheetah wanted to bolt, but the door was already locked.

"Impotent, you say?" Wilson's voice was gruff and dropped two octaves.

Carlos didn't think such a thing was possible, but there simply was no mistaking that look in his eyes. It was a look of an alpha wolf on the hunt. With this kind of charisma, Wilson could have gotten any Luna he wanted. He could easily climb up the alpha popularity polls if he asserted his dominance to the right person.

With a nervous chuckle, Carlos played it casual. If there was one thing he learned as an alpha, it was to never show weakness. When he was much younger, the family often took away or destroyed the things he'd shown affection or attachment to. As a result, Carlos played the fool and showed indifference to everything. He used laziness as a guise and escaped from the things he hated. Carlos broke the rules and didn't care about repercussions as a form of rebellion. Even if he didn't feel anything for the other party, sleeping around frequently was therapy to fill that emptiness in him.

Compared to him, someone like Wilson couldn't possibly understand what he had to go through. It was known among the alphas that this lone wolf shouldn't be taken lightly. In fact, the more pretentious alphas don't bother associating with someone who murdered his own pack. It wasn't good for business. This wolf might be an alpha, but that was all he had in their eyes.

"Sexual stamina, you say? And how would you compete in that?"

Wilson's question made Carlos smirk. Hook, line and sinker! This was what he had been waiting for. In fact, Carlos was confident of his skills to make anyone come undone in less than five minutes. For a tightwad like Wilson, Carlos had victory in the bag.

"We'll jerk each other off at the same time. The first to come will lose and has to listen to the winner for a week."

That sounded a little too simple, and Wilson eyed him suspiciously. No dirty tricks? Just jerking off? Carlos must be really desperate to get him out of his fur. Did he really think he could hold out against Wilson?

"Sure. Does the loser have to listen to absolutely anything the winner says? You should set some boundaries now just in case."

Hearing the arrogance in Wilson's tone and his insinuation that Carlos was going to lose, the cheetah huffed. "If you're afraid of getting owned by me, you should just back out now. No need to scare me into making a bad deal. You're going to lose."

Carlos' confidence was rather amusing. A handjob was so vanilla. If Wilson had his way, he would teach this arrogant trash where his place was. The lone wolf would bet his name on how ignorant Carlos was to the meaning of real pleasure. For an alpha with life as meaningless as his, Carlos was in for an eye-opener after he won.

"Sure," Wilson agreed quickly and reached for Carlos' belt without hesitation.

Carlos nearly jumped out of his bones when Wilson reached for his belt without hesitation. His legs unknowingly parted because of how aggressively his watcher climbed onto his bed with only one knee.

Wilson's fingers worked expertly, and Carlos felt his mouth go dry. For some reason, the lone wolf acted as if he'd done this many times before. His fingers were so smooth, and the belt fell to the ground before Carlos could reach for Wilson's pants.

Seeing how flustered and confused his roommate looked, Wilson smirked. "It's still not too late to back out now," he told the cheetah who hissed.

"Shut up!"

With fire burning in his eyes, Carlos reached for Wilson's pants to rip the offending garment down, only to feel the rush of cool air on his naked bottom.

If this was how Wilson wanted to play, Carlos wouldn't give in so easily. The competition was officially on! He would make this arrogant bastard submit to his superior techniques.

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