Alpha x Alpha Twisted Romance (11)

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Tongues did wag but strangely, Ruo Han didn't throw a tantrum like how Shen Long thought he would. Instead, the man took everything in calmly even when he was told they had become mates in some sense thanks to emergency treatment.

"I couldn't think of a better way to save you and the cultivation you worked so hard for. Sorry, I made the dragon's vow without your consent, I'll take full responsibility for everything. You will not be disgraced as an alpha, ever."

For a long time, Ruo Han was silent as everything was still too much for him to take in. Sure, he felt something strange about his golden core and cultivation level ever since he woke up but to think that Shen Long would give him the dragon's vow... didn't he give it to his last bride? Wasn't that why for the last eighty years nobody could contact him? Didn't the dragon god fall from grace because of grief? The dragon's vow was proof of true love. Ruo Han thought that Shen Long's bride had been killed which plunged him into despair, explaining his behaviour.

"I don't understand," the cultivator frowned. "Even if you didn't give the dragon's vow to your last bride whom you loved so much, why would you give it to me? You don't know me..."

Shen Long raised his brow. Did Ruo Han think that he still couldn't remember anything? He'd have to correct that.

"Why wouldn't I?" he asked. "I remember it all now. We became soulbonds and I saw all of your memories when that happened although I have a few questions. Why didn't you ever tell me that you had feelings for me for the last few centuries? How could you keep such a ridiculous promise to send me virgin brides with that sort of description every ten years? What were you thinking?"

Ruo Han didn't know what to say. In fact, he was extremely lost. Wasn't it Shen Long who wanted those virgin brides? The dragon god must have lived for too long that he no longer remembered the things of the past. With a disappointed sigh, Ruo Han shook his head tiredly.

"Forget it," he said. "You must have remembered wrongly. I won't become your burden as the mate of the dragon god. However, please don't become too familiar with me. I don't want to become somebody else's replacement."

Replacement? It was Shen Long's turn to be confused. Why was Ruo Han saying the same thing as Ruo Yan? Who were these people thinking about? Why did everyone think that they were someone else's replacement? This didn't make sense. From Ruo Han's memories when they established the soulbond, Shen Long found out about the cultivator's secret feelings for him ever since the time they spent together as teacher and student. Shen Long unknowingly became Ruo Han's new meaning of life and the dragon god was flattered. However, the cultivator didn't make those feelings known or obvious because he didn't want to become the dragon god's burden but Shen Long didn't understand that until now.

"I think it is you who misunderstood something," he told the other alpha. "You're not a replacement for anyone. The one I've always liked was you."

Ruo Han didn't buy it immediately. He still had many doubts. "But the bride that you loved... the loss of communication for eighty years... your attitude when you entered the Academy...?"

Shen Long sighed. "Seeing as you find it hard to believe my words, would you believe me if I showed you the truth about what happened? We're soulbonds, there should be no secrets between us. Not memories and certainly not feelings."

His resolution and sincerity made Ruo Han falter. For the longest time, he kept his feelings for his god under wraps. Ruo Han was more than content being needed by Shen Long in any way possible. If Shen Long wanted him to start a sect in his name to spread his teachings, Ruo Han would make it the best sect on Earth. If Shen Long desired a virgin bride of certain standards every ten years, Ruo Han would do his best to raise the best batch of potential brides for Shen Long to choose from. It didn't matter how many sacrifices he had to make, as long as he was still of use to Shen Long, that was Ruo Han's happiness. His name was given by Shen Long, his entire being belonged to the dragon god. If his god fell, Ruo Han was determined to follow after him and attempt to stop his corruption even at the cost of his life.

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