Friends But Actually Lovers (6)

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Bruce was annoyed. Ever since that day, Klick has been going around as if he had completely lost his mind. The blind bat was batting his eyelashes everywhere and asking about Carlos. Everyone on the campus probably already knew about the beta stalker boy who was smitten by the cheetah man whore. It was irritating and no matter what Bruce did, Klick wasn't listening.

Now, the shark merman spent all his time intruding on a certain couple's private time. It didn't matter if it was during meal times or after classes. Bruce would accompany Syris and Floopy everywhere just so that he didn't have to deal with hearing about Klick everywhere he went. Floopy was too afraid of Bruce and Syris was simply too polite to chase his best pal away.

"Why would Klick be interested in that man whore? I've been staying with that cheetah for a few days now and I don't know how nobody has castrated him yet!"

Floopy blinked as Syris covered his ears and sent his lover away. Bruce continued to complain about all the indecent acts he caught Carlos doing in just a few days of moving in. He didn't know what to say but Syris wasn't all that surprised to know that Carlos wasn't the most decent person. Sleeping butt naked in bed was probably considered mild and Syris didn't know what to tell Bruce to comfort him. Contrary to his brutish appearance and behaviour, Bruce was brought up with very strict discipline and Syris was a little glad he was no longer rooming with his bodyguard who would nag at him for putting the shampoo on the wrong rack at times.

"Do you want to request a change of room partners? I'm sure the dorm manager or the principal will be willing to make some concessions or rules. Carlos isn't the easiest roommate to handle but Ruo Han somehow managed. Have you asked him for advice?"

Bruce grunted. He did seek Ruo Han out a few times but the cultivator didn't seem to think it was a huge problem. Carlos didn't violate any of the dormitory rooms and he didn't bring any bed partners to the dormitory room so Ruo Han had nothing to complain about. In fact, the cultivator barely spoke to his ex-roommate and couldn't give Bruce any useful information.

One disturbing thing that Ruo Han mentioned did bother Bruce for a while. Ruo Han claimed that Carlos didn't really care who he sleeps with. It didn't have to be an omega, he would go for a bet as well. Carlos used to have many partners before he came to the academy. He slept with men and women of any gender, species or age as long as they were attractive enough. That made Bruce very uncomfortable. If Klick was truly attracted to Carlos, it would only be a matter of time before the dirty cheetah took advantage of Floopy's best friend. As a responsible friend, Bruce couldn't allow it to happen. Not to mention, he had feelings for Klick and the green monster in him just wouldn't remain silent at that thought.

"I don't like it," he admitted. "Why does Klick like him? There are many better candidates around."

At this, Syris smiled kindly and poured his friend a drink. The bodyguard accepted it gratefully and downed the strong alcohol in one gulp. The liquid burned but Bruce didn't care. In fact, it felt soothing to his agitated heart. At the very least, for tonight, he wouldn't have to put up with the annoying affections developing inside his chest.

It was clear as day that Klick meant a lot more to Bruce than the bodyguard originally thought. As someone who grew up with Bruce, Syris knew that the shark merman would often come off as cold and aloof. He didn't care much for anything or anyone and even with Syris, Bruce treated his friend with respect and duty. There was still a boundary and Bruce, while meddlesome, didn't overstep them. He didn't try to force things on other people. Instead, he would calmly advise them and leave them to make their own decisions. His insistence and annoyance that Klick wasn't doing what Bruce thought was good for him could only mean one thing. The shark merman was feeling possessive and it was a clear sign of jealousy.

While Bruce was drinking with Syris, Klick was information hunting. He needed to create a bigger wave if he wanted Carlos to find him. The cheetah alpha still hasn't sought him out and Klick wanted to know how to hook this man whore into a relationship so that he could kill him.

Ever since he received Amanda's reply, Klick already knew how he was going to kill Carlos. As an assassin, the art of seduction was something second nature to him. Carlos seemed to like the easy-going kinds who were slightly coquettish and play slightly hard to get. He liked a little bit of chase and dislikes the clingy types who expect more out of sharing a bed. Yet, he doesn't mind a convenient call boy at his beck and call. Klick decided that if he wanted to kill Carlos, he would have to do it on his first attempt. After all, his character of a lovestruck beta stalker had already started spreading.

"It's you again?" Rusty raised a brow. Normally, the gym storage room was a very quiet place but recently, his private space was no longer as private. Klick kept disturbing his peace and Rusty eventually learned to give up. It was too troublesome trying to find a second quiet spot in this academy.

Klick nodded and shut the door behind him carefully. Rusty sipped on his carrot juice and continued eating. "What is it this time?"

Klick smiled sheepishly. "Do you know if Carlos has a mate?"

Rusty sighed. He knew this was going to be about the cheetah demon. Honestly, he might be an omega slut but that didn't mean he knew everything about everyone's sexual activities in the academy.

"No. However, someone like him is unlikely to find a mate. He just thinks of everyone as a convenient hole to stick it in. Besides, you're a beta. Even if you want it, I don't think it's going to be possible."

Klick didn't say anything. Instead, he pulled his knees up to his chin and remained there in the darkness. He didn't know how omegas normally had sex and as a recessive omega, Klick wanted to find out more so that he could replicate a heat better.

Rusty didn't know why Klick was so interested in the omega's heat cycle and behaviours but he didn't mind sharing with the beta bat. After all, news had spread all over the academy that Klick's best friend, the ugly panotti, had been given a chance to become an omega. Who was to say the same wouldn't happen to the bat?

By the time the boys finished chatting, with Klick interrogating Rusty, they left the storage and Klick was surprised to find a familiar person waiting suspiciously smelling like alcohol in the middle of the campus square.

"I'll make a move first," Rusty hastily bade him goodbye and escaped before Klick can stop him. Several people lingered to watch the drama about to unfold and Klick tried to escape but Bruce wasn't going to allow it.

"Hold it right there," the shark merman growled and caught hold of Klick before the beta could slip away from him again. Klick sighed inwardly. Bruce meant well but his persistence was starting to make him irritated.

"I have nothing to say to you," he shrugged the bodyguard off but Bruce only tightened his grip. He failed to notice how he was causing Klick pain with his hold. The jealous monster today was running wild and Bruce found himself getting angry when he thought about how Klick preferred Carlos more.

"You don't have to do this, Carlos is a bad choice. I live with that guy, I can tell you that. You don't want to do this, trust me."

Angry, Klick pulled away and snapped. "What's it to you?! Stay out of my business. So what if he isn't good? You don't have any right to interfere with my love life! I don't belong to anyone, much less you!"

The words stung badly and Bruce flinched from shock. Klick took this opportunity to yank free and escape. Bruce didn't pursue and stumbled backwards, staggering away. His heart raced abnormally and Bruce wondered if there was something wrong with the alcohol he drank earlier.

"I should probably see the doctor," he reasoned and walked himself into a familiar building, just missing a certain bat beta boy.

Dr Iason wasn't expecting anyone that afternoon and most certainly wasn't expecting to see a familiar face.

"Hello," the Caladrius greeted. "How can I help you? It's rare to see you here without your little friend."

Bruce slammed the door shut behind him and chose not to comment. "There's something wrong with me," he said and gave the doctor a brief explanation.

While the doctor did a general health check for the intoxicated shark merman, he also listened to Bruce's rant. It must be really nice to experience the spring of youth and he had to hide the smile from appearing on his face.

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