Positions (16)

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"What are you thinking about?" Wilson asked and sat beside his soon-to-be Luna.

Carlos did not answer at once. He couldn't even lift his head to meet Wilson's eyes, afraid that the watcher might see through all his insecurities if they locked gazes.

Taking the chance to get closer to Carlos and make up for the lack of intimate contact for the last few days because Carlos was running from him, Wilson snuggled the big cat in his arms and showered him with butterfly kisses all over his face. With every light feathery kiss, Carlos felt those thoughts melt under Wilson's touch. It was magical how his actions could convey so much more than his words at times.

They eventually snuggled together on Carlos' bed, legs curled around each other's legs and tails wrapping around each other while they shared soft open-mouthed kisses. Carlos thought that things would escalate, but neither felt the need to start getting hot and bothered. It was a first for Carlos, and honestly, he preferred this sort of physical connection more. If only he knew about this earlier.

Wilson could finally see a glimpse of Carlos returning under his affectionate touches. He inhaled Carlos' scent deeply and nuzzled his neck, placing kisses and sucking gently on the skin, leaving bright red marks on the fair skin.

Carlos didn't know what got into Wilson, but the werewolf was unstoppable, marking every inch of skin he could find while they were both still clothed.

"Hey! Don't suck there," Carlos protested when Wilson sucked on the tender side of his wrist, leaving a dark mark. "I can't hide that under my clothes!"

Wilson growled a little in disappointment, his ears drooping. Carlos swallowed. Wilson wasn't playing fair when he did that.

"You have a little explaining to do. Why were you with Rusty? Also, what were those test reports about? I saw your name under the compatibility section."

Wilson looked up. Carlos was finally ready to talk about it, and the werewolf decided that the matter shouldn't be put off any longer.

"Remember the candidate we wanted to find? I talked to Rusty to find out a little more about what he wanted in return for a contract to become my legal mate but not Luna. All he wants is for me to take care of his family financially. However, we were unsure if he could fulfil my condition for birthing heirs for wolves and big cats, so I asked him to get tested for compatibility with me first. You found out before I could talk to you about it."

Hearing the explanation, Carlos blushed. "Why didn't you let me know that you were thinking about asking Rusty first? It could have avoided so much misunderstanding!"

At that, Wilson could only apologise. He was too used to acting on his own and not needing to consult anyone.

"I'm sorry. It's a force of habit to act alone and swiftly. I'll remember to discuss it with you next time."

Convinced, Carlos relaxed into the embrace. "Why don't you want him to be your Luna as well? He would be a good choice. I'm not the only one who could satisfy your desires. I heard Rusty is very experienced."

Sensing jealousy and sulking in Carlos' tone, Wilson smiled. "I already have a Luna I chose. He's not the smartest, but he is kind and loyal to his family. I'm just waiting for him to agree so that we can make it official."

When Wilson said that so sincerely, Carlos blushed. He couldn't give his answer now, but it was right there at the tip of his tongue. Just a little more time and convincing, Carlos knew he would be falling head over heels for this eligible bachelor.

ABO Anthology: Time Cross AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now