Positions (13)

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The morning after they slept together, Carlos woke up first. Last night was definitely something he couldn't tell anyone about. An alpha bottoming for another alpha? It was probably unheard of. It didn't matter how good it felt or how perfect Wilson was. Carlos had his pride.

Sure, he might be able to secure a good future if he accepted Wilson's offer. His sister wouldn't have to suffer at the hands of the crafty families. He didn't have to take over the Chavez House and could live the easy life he wanted to. However, the cheetah didn't want to admit defeat so easily. Accepting Wilson's help felt like a terrible trade. Ever since he became the Chavez heir, Carlos made himself a promise. He would never betray his feelings and beliefs for anyone's sake. Wilson was trying to make him bend his beliefs, and he felt torn.

"Let's not think too much," he reasoned and got up.

Wilson was still sleeping soundly, and Carlos realised how the werewolf carried him to snuggle on his bed together while he was out of it. He looked over and noticed that his bed had fresh sheets, replaced by Wilson while he slept, and he was wearing a new set of pyjamas. Honestly, after getting to know Wilson, it was getting harder and harder to dislike him.

Deciding to run away from the problem, Carlos quickly got dressed and prepared for classes. Wilson will probably be mad later to realise Carlos didn't wake him up, but that was ok.

Needless to say, when Wilson woke up, Carlos was already gone. The spot beside him was already cold, indicating that the wildcat from last night ran at least an hour ago. His back still stung like crazy because the werecat's claws sunk in deeply. Even with his werewolf's natural healing abilities, his muscles were still sore from stitching the cuts that reopened multiple times over the night as they did it.

Disgruntled, Wilson started his day.

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A few weeks passed, and slowly, the school started to grow aware of the cat and dog game of tag that the roommates played. Carlos would often try to run before Wilson got to him, and the watcher was finding it harder to figure out what Carlos was thinking. Preeta was slightly glad that the bet worked in Wilson's favour. At least Carlos was using class as an excuse to hide from him. At the same time, Carlos started volunteering with some clubs to stay out late. He would then return to the room after shower and distance himself from Wilson by using homework as an excuse before turning in early.

The behaviour was so odd, and while the teachers were pleased by Carlos' improving grades and a better attitude in class, a certain werewolf became more and more confused by the transformation. Did too much sex finally changed Carlos for the better? Was that all it took?

It was fun and games until Carlos came home smelling like someone different one day. As usual, the cheetah returned late. He was back after a shower, but it didn't matter how much soap he used. Wilson's powerful nose could pick out that scent that wasn't Carlos. It wasn't anything brief, either like a pat or a hug. It was something more, coming from that place he thought only he had access to.

Whatever Carlos was expecting, he wasn't expecting to get slammed into the wall painfully the moment he closed the door. Wilson snarled so menacingly that Carlos thought he was done for.

Cornered with no room to escape or move, Carlos darted his eyes to see if there was a way out. That action stirred a fire in Wilson, and he slammed his other arm to block Carlos' vision.

"Who do I need to kill?" he asked, and Carlos paled.

"W-what are you saying?" he laughed nervously, and Wilson leaned in closer so that their breaths mingled.

His heart rate raced when Wilson looked him in the eye, pinning him with his intensity. Carlos felt momentarily weak and light-headed. It has been a while since they were this close. The physical contact was like a drug that Carlos could get high on. However, the defiant part of Carlos in him refused to submit. If anything, Wilson's strong advances only made him want to shrink further away.

Furious that Carlos was still trying to skirt around the subject, the werewolf in him raged. With more force enough to make Carlos hurt, Wilson growled.

"Tell me that you weren't sleeping around again, and I'll forgive you. You just have to give me the name of the fucker who forced you to do it so that I can erase them permanently."

Carlos struggled to breathe. Wilson's arm was cutting his oxygen, but he refused to give in.

"Murder is prohibited on the campus," he coughed, and Wilson felt his blood boil.

Logically, he knew that Carlos was simply acting out again. This was who he was before Wilson stepped in. He shouldn't expect Carlos to like him back after that week of sex. However, the wolf in him was deeply hurt by this betrayal. He thought they had something more, something deeper, something more meaningful after sharing bodies. Sadly, he was wrong.

Carlos saw a flash of that deep hurt in the eyes that were so furious just a moment ago and felt a heavy sense of guilt. His mind told him that he didn't do anything wrong. It was just sleeping around like he always did. Moreover, he didn't agree to be anyone's mate or exclusive partner. He wasn't Wilson's Luna, even if the werewolf expressed it many times.

"What did you expect?" Carlos asked quietly as Wilson's grip on him softened. "I'm an alpha. I can't just take it up my ass all the time. It hurts even when you're gentle. I can't give your heirs. I can't-"

Sealed with a kiss that stole Carlos' soul, Wilson didn't allow him to speak any more hurtful words. He listened to the things Carlos didn't say more clearly. The cheetah was clearly hurting because he didn't understand why he was behaving in such a manner. There was a war inside of him, a war that he couldn't speak about.

Instead of getting mad, Wilson showered Carlos with more affection than the werecat ever remembered to receive. After that soul-robbing kiss, Wilson peppered kisses all over Carlos' face and neck, as if he didn't just fly off the handle earlier.

The kisses mellowed after a few minutes, and Carlos found both their bodies relaxing into one another. It was an experience that scared him logically, but Wilson seemed to know more about the things he couldn't speak about. Even if his mind couldn't comprehend, his body already had answers.

When they were calmed down and less heated, Wilson cupped Carlos' face in his hands and locked eyes.

"I understand," he told Carlos honestly, surprising the werecat. "If you want to, I won't restrict who you sleep with. However, I would like you to let me know who you sleep with and when you do it. You don't have to worry about the heirs. That's a problem for only my Luna to worry about. However, I wonder if you can truly be satisfied with just topping in bed."

That last line was a taunt, and the previous one stung slightly. Carlos wasn't Wilson's Luna. Yet, the rejection of that idea so straightforwardly from Wilson's mouth stung. Carlos immediately bristled at that.

Shoving Wilson away, Carlos glared with all his might.

"Oh, I will. You don't have to tell me who I can and cannot sleep with. And thanks for reminding me that we're not mates. In case you've forgotten, I'm also an alpha."

Wilson backed off at that to give his fuming lover space. "You are an alpha. That's the only reason why I'm not fucking you into the mattress now to get rid of someone else's smell on you. However, if you care the slightest of my feelings for you, I would still appreciate it if you don't surprise me by coming back smelling like you've slept with someone I don't know."

Carlos frowned. That level of emotional blackmail was so sly! However, Wilson looked very much like a sad puppy now that he couldn't find it in himself to deny that request. Besides, he was still technically Carlos' watcher. If he reported what Carlos was doing to Preeta, things wouldn't be so pretty.

"Deal," he told Wilson and quickly backed to his side of the room. "Now, if you will excuse me, I have to catch up with today's assignment."

Wilson grinned as if nothing happened and offered to help Carlos if he had questions. The odd mood between them over the last few weeks dispersed so easily, and Carlos wondered how that was possible. Then again, things like that usually hurt his brain. He was better off saving them to tackle the monster of an assignment the teachers gave earlier.

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