#2: Snake x Fox (2)

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From the tallest floor of the tallest tower in the Academy, Amanda Lucifer observed her new intake of students flooding through the portal gates. For three days, the portal will open and she will have a good show to watch for the next five years. Would this batch of students turn out more promising than the last?

The principal was a tall lady who resembled a supermodel with her tall and busty figure. The red suit only served to accentuate all her right curves. Amanda's signature long platinum hair reached past her waist and bounced with every step she took. The clicking of her heels on the polished office tiles echoed coldly in her lonely office, a severe contrast to the atmosphere in the courtyard. With her magic monocle, the archmage inspected all her new students and took note of who would be the potential trouble-making ones.

"Principal, the students are gathering in the hall. You should get ready for your welcoming speech and farewell speech to those graduating us."

Amanda looked over to her tiny bat summon who acted as her personal assistant at times. The archmage smiled. This year, she received even more applications than the previous year but as usual, they only accepted a thousand students and rejected the rest. There were a few familiar names who have been applying for the last two hundred years and haven't given up hope on attending her academy but Amanda was firm and rejected them. Rapists and sex fiends were not allowed to become students in Time Cross Academy. The school was a place that promotes love so the screening process was very stringent. This year, she received many interesting applicants but the principal was expecting for the first couple to be formed before the first mating season started.

"Asahina, check if any of the students are missing. I will be giving the speech in twenty minutes."

The bat follower transformed into a small girl with black hair pulled into cute twin tails and purple eyes. She smiled and saluted. "Yes, ma'am!"

Amanda looked out to the courtyard and spotted the omega snow fox who was forced to attend her academy. The archmage couldn't keep a smirk off her face thinking about how hard his father begged her to accept the application form that had clearly been forged on behalf of his son. Normally, the archmage wouldn't accept such a thing but after hearing the stories from the Snow fox clan and the black snake clan, she made an exception. Now that the die was cast, it was time to watch a good show.

>>Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX<<

"Greetings, freshman attending Time Cross Academy. A short introduction of who I am although some of you may recognise me. My name is Amanda Lucifer and I am the archmage as well as the principal of this academy. Your families have agreed to entrust you to me for the next five years. Whether you live or die, is up to me to decide. Heed my rules well and you shall survive. Disregard them and forfeit your lives."

Nobody made any noise when Amanda Lucifer spoke. The authority in her voice didn't leave space for protests of negotiations and the new students swallowed. Some of them like Soubi were already regretting their decision to attend the academy.

Amanda scanned the new faces and smirked at their uneasiness. In Time Cross Academy, she was the absolute authority and her words were the law here.

"Asahina will brief everyone on the rules of Time Cross Academy later for the freshmen. For the students who are graduating and leaving us today, you have done well. For many of you, the last five years haven't been easy. There may have been ups and downs during the period of five years while you were in my Academy. Some of you experienced bittersweet feelings, some experienced your first love. I hope that those of you who experienced true love will learn to cherish it like how you cherish each other. Time Cross Academy brought you together but after you leave the academy, you should choose your own paths to walk, remembering what you have learnt from here. The road ahead might not be smooth. There may be people threatening you and your relationship, trying to tear both of you apart and ruin the family you have but stay strong. I, Amanda Lucifer, will always be a supporter of true love. Should you request the assistance of the Academy, I will be willing to listen to the troubles of any ex-students. For those who have graduated without a mate, do not worry, life always has a plan for you. Remember the teachings of Time Cross Academy and don't let that happiness slip away from you when you find them. Love transcends gender, age and time. Never limit yourselves. With that, congratulations on graduating Time Cross Academy, you can now return to your homes and begin the new chapter of your lives."

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