#10: Food or Lover (6)

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He woke up to a white ceiling and the smell of disinfectants. Having been here enough times, Ringo didn't need to know where he was. He only needed to know that he was still alive. Everything hurt and he felt strange. The world was strangely quiet and his senses were extremely clear.

He could hear Iason shuffling over to check on him.

"Oh, you're awake. How are you feeling?"

Ringo didn't know why, but his first answer was thirsty.

"That's to be expected," the doctor said and passed him a blood bag instead of a cup of water. Ringo was puzzled but his thirst flared when he smelled it. Disregarding the common sense, he drank greedily until the blood pack was completely empty.

"Would you like another?"

Ringo wiped his mouth and shook his head, feeling slight pain from the side of his neck. "No thanks. What happened? I thought I died."

Iason sighed. "You did. You're alive but not exactly alive. You can't hear your heartbeat now, can you? The world also seems clearer as if you're watching something with high definition. Don't blame Michael, he's been blaming himself ever since he converted you and marked you, permanently."

It was like deja vu listening to Iason explain about school rules. This time, Ringo just nodded. He didn't flare up when he heard that he had to sign a registration form for real now that this happened. The principal wasn't going to accept any appeals and they had to sort it out with their families if there was any disagreement.

"I understand," he told the doctor calmly and Iason froze.

"You don't have to sign it now, there is still time. Also, if you're not angry about what Michael did, could you check on him for me? That vampire wouldn't get out of his coffin and it has been more than a week since the incident happened with Shen Long. Speaking of that delinquent, Ms Lucifer has punished him very thoroughly. Murder on the campus is strictly not allowed and he is being shackled. His powers are sealed away for good until he learns to love."

Ringo didn't have much to say and thanked the doctor before returning to his room.

>>Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX<<

The next day, Ringo left his room late. He was given an excuse from attending classes for three days until he has recovered and gotten accustomed to being a vampire. Shiro tried very hard when he saw him last night and Ringo had to explain a lot to calm the snow fox demon. Sei gave a copy of his room key to Ringo after listening to Shiro's explanation that Shiro and Michael were mates.

"You can climb in from the window near the bathroom on the first floor, I will leave it open. Don't let the dorm manager catch you and head to the third floor. The fourth room on the left is ours, I hope you can convince him to come out of the coffin and drink something," Sei said.

"Do you know how he is doing right now?" Ringo asked and the black snake demon shrugged.

"I don't know the details for sure but he is worse than his normal sickly self. It's deathly silent here and the only way I know he's not dead yet is because I hear him crying alone in that coffin when he thinks I'm asleep. According to Iason, converting you into a vampire and marking you must have taken a lot out of Michael. If he weren't a vampire prince, he would have gone senile from the incredible thirst. I have to say, his control over his bloodlust is in a league of his own. However, if he continues like this, he will fall into a coma and never wake from it."

Ringo thanked Sei and accepted the key. He couldn't hate Michael. In his life where he was trained to be an emotional exorcist with no friends or family who cared for him, Michael was the only one who saw him for who he was. He knew about Ringo's true personality but never shunned him. He never made use of him like Shen Long and treated him as if he was the most precious thing in the world even though it was only for the sake of drinking his blood. The exorcist was addicted to that warmth the same way Michael was addicted to his blood. He couldn't hate someone so kind, in fact, he wanted to thank him for choosing someone as broken as him as a mate.

Getting into the room wasn't difficult. The dorm manager wasn't here and Ringo carefully tapped on the coffin.

"Michael, it's me. Are you awake?"

From inside the coffin, Michael didn't know if he was dreaming. That voice sounded very much like Ringo. Shouldn't the exorcist be in the infirmary? Even if he did wake up, why was he here and trying to hold a conversation? Shouldn't Ringo be trying to drive a stake through his chest by now?

"It's fine if you don't want to talk," Ringo said. "I'll just say what I need to say and go. What you did back there, thank you. I know it's unfair for you because you're such a kind-hearted fool but I guess we're now stuck together for a long time. I don't know how you're going to explain to your family about our mating and how I'm going to explain to my family that I've become an immortal creature. However, from now on, I won't run away. I'll be by your side and I'll take full responsibility, you've done more than enough. Leave the rest to me and get better already. You're less hateful when you're drinking from my wrist and not from other people's necks."

Having said what he wanted, Ringo left. Michael was alone in the coffin, replaying those words over and over again. For some reason, it sounded a lot like a confession and Michael could hardly believe it. He felt like crying but he also wanted to chase after Ringo. Unfortunately, he was too weak to get up or go out. Without better options, he texted Sei and asked if he could bring back some blood packs from Iason's office.

>>Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX<<

Ringo didn't head back for a rest. Instead, he made his way to the principal's office. According to Iason, Michael had signed his part of the registration form while the exorcist was in coma. Now that Ringo was awake, he wasn't going to put that off for much longer. At the same time, he meant every word he said to Michael back there. He was going to take full responsibility as Michael's mate. As a good mate, he couldn't possibly let his lover starve. Also, that coffin was highly uncomfortable. The exhausted vampire would have a better sleep if there was someone beside him and Ringo had all intentions of nursing the vampire twenty-four-by-seven until he was in the pink of health.

"Come in," Amanda said when she heard someone knocking on her door. It wasn't hard to guess who it was.

"You're here," she said without glancing up. Asahina took the hint and searched for the registration form.

"I gave you the chance but it looks like fate had something else planned for the both of you. How do you feel now? Does it still hurt? It wasn't easy to regrow your organs and I swear Michael would have given you his if I said I couldn't regrow them to save you."

Ringo smiled. "I don't doubt it. He's too kind-hearted and can be very foolish at times."

Amanda laughed. Ringo was right about that. That was the main reason why Michael never had a rose blood carrier. He didn't agree with the farming methods to produce them.

"Well, that's part of his charm."

Ringo signed the registration form without looking at the terms. There wasn't a need. However, he looked at the grand archmage. "Principal, I have a request."

"Oh?" Amanda paused her work to look at Ringo. "Are you going to throw another tantrum?"

Ringo blushed at the memory of his impudence and apologised about that. "It's not that sort of thing. This time, I came to request for a special room. It's not convenient to nurse him back to health because alphas and omegas cannot visit each other's dormitory."

Amanda smirked. "Even though you were bold enough to break into the alpha's dormitory earlier? Fine, I'll grant your request. Asahina, make sure that Michael knows he's been kicked out of his room. Prepare one of the rooms for mates in the special dormitory for them. Also, Ringo? Congratulations. I hope you can find happiness with Michael. Both of you worked hard for it."

With a grateful bow, Ringo left the principal's office. He had to start packing and bidding Shiro goodbye.

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