Alpha x Alpha Twisted Romance (3)

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Hard. It wouldn't get hard no matter who he called. Shen Long couldn't believe it.

With a wet sound, the bunny werebeast released his member and worked his tired jaw for a while, staring at the flaccid organ with disbelief.

"You know, I didn't actually believe it when the word went around saying that you were impotent. You were one of the only people who could match my libido. In fact, it hurts my pride a little to see you so unaffected by my pheromones and bedroom skills."

Scowling at the self-proclaimed queen of omegas, Rusty, Shen Long decided that enough was enough. If he couldn't get hard, there was no use in trying to call for company. He couldn't feed like this and he absolutely refused to suck anyone off.

Pulling up his pants, he chased the bunny boy away who rolled his eyes at Shen Long's attitude. Rusty was probably the only omega that Shen Long got along with because the werebeast bunny was straightforward with his intentions. It was known to the whole academy that if you wanted a quick fuck, Rusty was your guy. He didn't want relationships, he just wanted dicks. That made Shen Long reassured that Rusty didn't have any other ulterior motives which got the bunny boy in his whitelist.

"Go see a doctor," Rusty shouted as he left. "And call me when your boner is fixed!"

Speechless at the words coming from the innocent-looking boy's mouth, Shen Long shook his head. He subconsciously rubbed at the place where there was a tattoo created by Ruo Han's spell and frowned. Dr Iason wouldn't be able to do anything about this either and he refused to admit defeat to such a sissy-looking alpha.

"Whatever," he grunted and left the storage room. "Maybe I'll work my frustrations out on someone else today."

Apart from sex, the one other activity Shen Long enjoyed was a good brawl. The dirtier it was, the better. The physical pain helped to abate the turmoil in his chest and when his body was utterly tired and worn, he would fall into a dreamless sleep. It was one of the ways Shen Long could escape from his painful memories even if it wasn't a good method. There simply wasn't any other way and Shen Long wasn't the kind of person to talk about it. He had no friends in the Academy.

Picking a fight was easy. Omegas won't come near him and low-born alphas seeking for attention or verification due to their feeble feelings of pride were the easiest to offend. All he had to do was walk up to the group of shallow-minded alphas from the next class and sneer at them to invite them to a session.

Today's target was a group of four werewolves. Shen Long didn't know much about werewolves but he knew they liked to flock together in a pack. Recently, they had a falling out with their alpha over some Luna issue which was none of Shen Long's concern but he just needed an excuse to insult them.

"Hey shitheads, how does it feel like to have a male Luna who won't bear pups for the pack? I can't believe of all the omegas available in the Academy, your alpha would choose someone like that."

Instantly, four pairs of angry eyes drilled holes into the dragon god spirit's head. This was exactly what he wanted! Shen Long felt his blood pumping with excitement and his hands itched.

The werewolves weren't pleased. Even if they knew it was simply a provocation, they couldn't help but take the bait. If a fight was what Shen Long wanted, they wouldn't back down. For the honour of their pack, they would fight a god even if they were going to lose miserably. Howls echoed and the four werewolves charged towards Shen Long, surrounding him to launch a synchronised attack.

Shen Long grinned. Four against one felt just right. Even with his powers sealed, he should be able to take them out.

As the pseudo-alpha of the group occupied Shen Long's hands with a power grapple, the other three pack mates didn't let the opportunity slip. The pseudo-alpha grinned toothily and held Shen Long down with his strength so that this turned into more of a gang beatdown than a fight. Without his abilities, Shen Long could only grit his teeth as kicks and punches, even slashes from their claws rained down on his fragile human body.

The dragon god spirit didn't make more than a grunt throughout the exchange that lasted for a good ten minutes before the werewolves felt an ominous pressure. The air turned chilly literally and they shivered when the temperature dropped so low that ice started to spread on the ground. Their breaths came out in puffs of mists and the four werewolves fell to their knees as the new alpha on the scene exerted his dominance. Shen Long didn't need to look up to know who it was.

"Shen Long is under my watch. Did you think you would get away without consequences by messing with him on the campus? If he did something against the rules, you should have reported it to me instead of taking matters into your own hands. Who gave you permission to educate him?"

Unable to speak because Ruo Han wasn't allowing them to, the werewolves couldn't only keen and whimper. The cultivator was very calm as he walked over, ignoring the four werewolves rooted to the ground with ice as he checked on Shen Long's injuries. These were physical wounds that could heal easily. Shen Long might have his powers sealed but this was still the vessel of a dragon god. He was in no immediate danger but something was off and Ruo Han knew that look in Shen Long's eyes. He would deal with that later.

Turning back to the four werewolves, Ruo Han decided that harsh punishment would be required in order to send a clear message to the rest of the students. The temperature was freezing and while Ruo Han and Shen Long were not affected, the four werewolves were close to suffering from hypothermia.

Manifesting a sword from his qi, Ruo Han swung his arm widely and dismissed the sword. His sword had the special ability to make anything it cut freeze for a while. Four dismembered tails fell to the ground and the werewolves didn't feel any pain when it happened. Ruo Han decided to have mercy and kept the frost on the tails and the wounds.

"If you don't want to become tailless wolves, I suggest you take your tails to Dr Iason immediately. This is my first and last warning. The next time something like this happens, I hope you can find a way to reattach your genitals."

He didn't have to repeat himself and the werewolves were already running, scared out of their minds as they carried their tails to the doctor. Now that the mess was over, Ruo Han let the temperature return to normal and sighed at Shen Long who was too battered to move from the ground.

"What am I going to do with you?" he murmured softly and bent down on one knee to scoop the stubborn dragon god into his arms.

Shen Long protested at being carried like a maiden but Ruo Han was having none of it. The dragon god spirit needed medical attention when they returned to the dormitory and to prevent the worsening of his injuries by struggling, Ruo Han used a temporary paralysing spell on him. He was merciful enough to not silence Shen Long but the cultivator smiled and informed him that classes were still in session.

"If you wish for nosy gossipers to know about your embarrassing situation, you may continue to yell at me. I don't mind."

At this, Shen Long shut up at once. However, he still grumbled lowly in a way that put a small smile on Ruo Han's face. They still had a long way to go if they wanted to share a harmonious relationship but Ruo Han was confident that this was a major first step for both of them.

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