Alpha x Alpha Twisted Romance (10)

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He could feel the heat burning up in both of them. Mixing his blood into the broth for the dragon vow ritual was a good idea after all. Being able to control his dragon's blood in Ruo Han's body, he easily suppressed the chaotic energy in Ruo Han's golden core.

Their meridians reached out to reach each other and Ruo Han's weakening energy was nourished by Shen Long's powerful soul. Shen Long was about to give his vow when something terrible happened.

As if recognising the original owner, the chaotic energy in Ruo Han's golden core struck out and attacked Shen Long's mind when he was at his most vulnerable state. The dragon god spirit wasn't expecting that and couldn't guard against it. Shen Long slumped in the bathtub with the sudden attack but his grip on Ruo Han never loosened even after he fell unconscious as if still wanting to protect the cultivator stubbornly.

Sucked into his inner world, Shen Long was now confronted by someone that looked very similar to Ruo Han. He almost mistook them as the cultivator because of the way they dressed and behaved but Shen Long knew better. This wasn't him. In fact, he didn't know who they were but the dragon spirit god had a feeling they were.

"Who are you?"

The apparition smiled coldly and with a wave of his long robed sleeve, broke the chains sealing Shen Long's memories and feelings. The dragon god spirit wasn't ready for the flood of memories and emotions. Everything happened so suddenly that Shen Long fell onto his knees, clutching at his head in pain with tears flowing from his eyes as he recalled everything.

"It's you?"

The ghostly man sneered. "How does it feel like to be reminded of the face you grew to hate so much? Was it fun falling for my replacement all over again?"

No, this wasn't right. Shen Long shook his head and glared at the illusion. This chaotic energy was a curse that had been suppressed by Amanda with the seal. If he hadn't prepared to go through the dragon vow ritual and opened the pathway for it back, this wouldn't be here.

Back then, Shen Long wasn't strong enough to undo the curse. His heart was too weak and his feelings too deep to see what was real and what wasn't. The man before him was his previous lover, the bride that Ruo Han sent to him and the one who gave him that scar over his eye.

"No, he's not your replacement. You've always been his replacement. It was why you resent me. It was why you placed this curse on me and gave me this scar. You're nothing like Ruo Han."

The illusion became threatening and there it was, the ghost of the last dragon god's bride. The man truly looked nothing like Ruo Han now that Shen Long looked closely. Sure, he had blue eyes and long white hair but those weren't the right shade of blue. His nose was too narrow and his lips too wide. His face was contorted with many emotions but the most obvious was hatred.

Shen Long remembered everything now how he came to become a fallen god. He came to remember why Ruo Han was such a familiar name and why the cultivator was someone he thought he felt comfortable with. His intense dislike from omegas originated from this bride.

"You won't ever be like him," Shen Long told the ghost and the chaotic mass of energy from the curse tried to bind Shen Long but the dragon god wasn't having it. He no longer felt any guilt for his actions nor any attachments to this unfortunate bride. Since the very start, he'd been very clear about his duties as a dragon god but along the way, he lost sight of himself, allowing the poisonous bride to twist his mind.

Shen Long remembered the child he picked up on his travels. He remembered giving Ruo Han his name and in jest, joked about wanting a dragon bride that looked exactly like the cultivator every ten years. He didn't think that child would become so loyal and establish a sect in his name to teach his teachings. Ruo Han also picked up orphans and groomed them into becoming dragon brides, not that Shen Long was interested in any of them. However, the stories that these brides told Shen Long about Ruo Han made the dragon god eventually grow interested in the mortal he once saved. He found out that the dragon beard candies that were offered regularly were also a creation by Ruo Han and Shen Long grew to like them.

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